Chapter 17

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Pearls POV

"So do you have any idea how to get home?"



Pale and I walked along the pier. Food stands lined the sides, trying to get tourists to buy their stuff. I've become pretty good with understanding human culture. Humans are like a complex system. Each thing leads to another. It's truly interesting. That's one of the reasons why I don't want to go back to the sea, life was too simple down there. Here it's nothing but fascinating complexity. Also, there is someone I do not want to see who I most definitely will see if I go back to the ocean.

Pale didn't ask why I said good. I knew she already knew.

"I'm hungry," I mentioned as a low grumble bellowed from my stomach.

Pale nodded. "I know a good place."

We walked down the pier for a couple minutes. I watched the people on the beach. Little kids played in the sand and teenagers bobbed in the waves. I noticed some surfers in the larger waves. I remember going to see a surf competition with Pale. That adventure seemed so long ago, and so mild.

"Here we are."

When I heard the pop music blasting from the speakers, I knew Pale has taken me to a good place.

It was a small booth with bar stools lining a long wrap-around countertop. One teenage boy with dark Puerto Rican skin and short black hair wiped down the counter, while an older man, a lot darker than the boy, served a piña colada to a customer.

"Hey Jacob!" Pale called as she raised her hand to wave.

The younger boy's eyes lit up in shock. "Hey Pale!" He finally gawked as he left his booth and engulfed Pale into a friendly hug. "Where have you been?"

"Oh family," Pale said as she released Jacob. "Off the island."

Jacob chucked. "You found your dad?"

"I've always known where my dad is, Jacob. He lives in New York now, he's big in the marketing industry. I'm living there now but I'm staying here for a little bit," Pale lied.

Jacob frowned. "Your gonna leave again?"

"I'm gonna be visiting more often, don't worry." I could hear Pale lie through her teeth and she sounded happy, but her eyes were sad.

"I got a boyfriend!" Pale mentioned, probably desperate to change the depressing subject.

Jacob smiled brightly. "Really? About time!" He pulled Pale into another hug. He looked down at me while he was still in Pale's arms. "Whose your friend?"

Pale released Jacob. "Oh this is Pearl, she's my friend from New York."

"Well Pearl-"

The way he said my name sent shivers down my body and I felt my face heat up.

"Why don't I make you a drink?"

I nodded and followed Jacob back to the booth. I sat at a barstool and Pale sat next to me.

"Do you still remember my usual?" Pale asked.

Jacob nodded as he grabbed various fruit juices off the shelves.

Pale turned to me while Jacob got to work. "I'm surprised he still works here," Pale said with a satisfying smile.

"How do you know him?" I asked.

"Childhood friend."

"So how do you like it here?" Jacob asked as he pushed strawberries into a blender.

"It's beautiful," I responded.

"Like you."

Pale and I exchanged quick glances before Pale's mouth slid up into a smirk. I knew I was blushing.

"I'll just leave you two alone for a bit," Pale said as she slid off her bar stool. "Meet me in the parking lot when you're done."

I nodded and watched Pale disappear into the crowd.

Jacob set a thick, red smoothie on the countertop.

"For you, for free. It's Pale's favorite, non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiri. I hope you like it too."

"Thank you," I replied as I took the cold glass and brought the small yellow straw to my lips.

"It's really good," I replied smiling.

We stayed silent for a while. The awkwardness so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"So you and Pale were friends?" I asked as I sipped my drink.

Jacob nodded. "Yeah. I mean, maybe not the bestest of friends, Pale had a lot of friends. She was very popular. Everyone was offended that she didn't say goodbye to them when she suddenly left."

I nodded. "Yeah. Pale never really talked about her old life in New York."

"She's more of a go with the flow and never look back kind of person."

I nodded again. "She's been stressed lately. She's got a job in New York with her dad."

"Oh really?" Jacob asked, eyes wide with surprise. "How did you two meet?"

I smiled. "It's a really funny story actually. Pale went on a plane to New York by herself, and I was in the airport at the time and we bumped into each other and I showed her the way to her dads apartment. Turns out we lived in the same building."

"Kind of like fate?"

"Kind of like fate."

It was amazing how smoothly I was talking to Jacob, but it made me feel guilty. I was doing nothing but lying through my teeth. Maybe staying on land isn't such a good idea.

"Maybe meeting you is fate," Jacob said as he leaned over the counter.

"Really?" I said as I leaned over too.

I know where this is going. He likes me. I guess I like him too, but I just broke up with someone...if he likes me, will I go to fast?

"Yeah. I was going to quit this job a couple days ago but I just had this feeling that I couldn't."

"Well that's interesting. I'm a firm believer in supernatural occurrences."

"Your an interesting occurrence. It's not everyday I meet a city girl."

What's a city girl?

"Well I guess today's your lucky day."

We were only a couple inches away from each other and I could feel the heat rising. Was it hot in here or was it just me?

"We should hang out sometime," Jacob asked.

"How about tomorrow at 5, same place?" I asked.

Jacob nodded. "Sounds good."

A bell chimed from the other side of the booth.

"I think I need to go now," Jacob said as he pulled away. "I'll see you tomorrow?"


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