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song for the chapter: S.A.D. - man overboard

"i hate me, so unoriginal, no other feeling could feel so traditional, cause every year i end up here, i end up here. so now you hate me? oh, how original. well i'm used to it. lone, individual. another year and i'm still here, and i'm still here"


two forty four am,

the time that would forever stick into my mind and forever remind me of the worst and best moment of my life, the moment where i would gain back my freedom and return to my breath taking girlfriend.

"go," mark whispered into my ear, it sent chills down my spine as i ran for my life attempting to get into the kitchen. mark was following behind me, "here," he whispered again, "bobbi pin...pick the lock. quickly!"

i didn't know how to pick a lock so my instincts kicked in and i just jammed the brown bobbi pin into the gold rusty door knob, i started jiggling it around making a slight noise. eventually the door slowly creaked open and me and mark sprinted to the knives. we had to get past all the sad kids who were harming themselves, watching them all do that made my stomach sink but i knew i could never help them. once you're gone, you're gone and there's no saving you at this point.

as soon as i grabbed the sharpest knife i could find, mark ushered me to follow him to the main living room area. we slowly but faster made our way towards it, the lights were off and we were dressed in black from head to toe, the knife hidden under my hoodie. as soon as we arrived to the desired window mark took the knife out of my shaking hand and stabbed the window lock with it. he cracked whatever it was that was making the window lock stuck and swiftly opened the window. it felt so good to smell the fresh crisp air.

"bye tyler, it's been nice helping you." mark told me as he shoved me out the window. everything happened so quickly and before you know it, my black vans were being squished in the dewy grass.

finally free,

and huge smile illuminated my face, but i didn't have time to think about how happy i was right now, i had to run. i ran as fast as my thin legs could carry me. past the buildings, past the traffic, and the only thing that kept me running was the fact that my baby girl madelyn was waiting at her apartment for me to return from hell. i was beyond excited.

i ran for twenty minutes, which is a long time for me. i guess i ended up at some highway. how could madelyn pick me up if i didn't know where i was? i couldn't call the cops to help me, they might try to take me back to that horrid hospital. i decided that i would start with calling madelyn. my hands were shaking as i took my iphone out of my hoodie pocket. i dialed madelyn's number and quickly called her. i didn't know if she would pickup since it was so early in the morning, but she picked up almost instantly thankfully.

"tyler?" she practically screamed into the phone. i could hear the smile on her face.

"oh my god, madelyn..." i said shockingly. it felt so comforting to hear her soft voice again. i started tearing up, in all honesty.

"tyler, where are you?" she asked, so dining concerned. she had every right to be worried about me right now.

"i don't know, a highway in mass. i escaped prison just for you baby." i explained to her.

"don't say it like that, it sounds like you actually were coming from the real prison, but i understand that the hospital must've been pure toucher. how'd you get out? are the cops looking for you?"

"no, madelyn, but you'll need to come get me." i told her.

"oh, yeah okay. do you see any signs you're near that may indicate where you are? wait, use your phone." madelyn said, matter of factly.

"oh, shit yeah, i guess i'm in...plymouth? just..start driving towards this town and like i'll give you more detail once you get closer." i told her.

"alright, the car rides gunna be long and i wish we could talk on the phone the whole time but i would imagine that yours would probably die." she chuckled, she had such a cute laugh.

"yeah. bye baby girl, see you soon. i love you."

"i love you too, tyler joseph."

i didn't know what to do in the mean time, so i just saw down and decided that it would best for me to stay in place since i wasn't in the mood to get lost right now, in fact all i wanted to do was go home.

the patch of dirt i was sitting in was uncomfortable and i was a little cold, but it would be worth it soon. i just have to stay low and rough it out for a few hours, which was easy.


thankfully, time went by faster than i had expected it to. i don't know how i pulled this off, i don't know why the police weren't looking for me. it doesn't make any sense at all, i literally just escaped from a mental hospital and no one even cares. what happens to the kids that actually need help? because trust me, that place is morning but garbage.

i heard my phone buzz, which startled me a bit so i jumped. i quickly unlocked it, of course it was madelyn asking me my exact location. i asked siri, and sent her a screenshot of what siri had told me. madelyn told me that she was ten minutes away and i was so excited that i could've puked. i missed her so much, i didn't know that it was possible to become this dependent on one person but i could not handle being away from madelyn for another day.


a/n: hello!! it's been so long i'm sorry but i hATE THIS CHAPTER WITH A BURNING PASSION. IT'S SO STUPID AND DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE. I GUESS IT'S JUST A FILLER? i don't know guys, the positive feedback i've been getting makes me so happy so i decided that it was time to suck it up and finish this piece of trash that is this chapter.

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