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song for the chapter: but why would you care? - knuckle puck

"i'm sick and tired of hating who i've become, it's getting worse everyday i spend on my own."


[madelyn's p.o.v.]

when i heard someone's fists banging against my door, i was excepting it to be tyler coming back to apologize. honestly, i had some apologizing to do myself. i still love tyler more than anything, and i want to be able to tell him that but i couldn't bring my shaky hands to pick up my phone and call him. i know he said he loves me, but how could anyone love a prick like me? i treated him terribly, he doesn't need that sort of negativity in his life.

so, when i heard someone knock on my door i was excited to see my beautiful tyler again.

but, you can imagine the surprised look on my face when i opened up the door and saw none other than josh dun standing outside of my apartment.

"josh? go away!" i told him as i quickly began to close my door. anger bubbled up inside of me, i wanted nothing to do with josh.

before i could finish closing the door, josh reached out and tried to push the door open. i tried to fight back desperately in attempt to close the door, but he was way stronger than me and managed to make his way into my apartment, uninvited.

"get out or i'm calling the police." i said, trying to keep my calm. my hands curled up into fists, and the smile on my face was obviously forced.

"no need to, madelyn, i'm just here to tell you about tyler." josh muttered as he made his way over to my couch and sat down.

"what about tyler?" i asked, becoming worried. i was praying to a god that i didn't even believe in that tyler was okay, i become more shaky as the thought of josh hurting him crept into the back of my mind. or even worse, tyler hurting myself.

josh took his time responding. he slowly picked up the remote that was in front of him, and turned on the tv. he was just casually scrolling through channels, as if he never even said anything.

"josh?" i pleaded, "is there something wrong with tyler?"

"well, last time i saw that fag he was sitting in a pool of his own blood." josh said with a shrug.

"don't use that word! and what the fuck do you mean, why are you acting like this is normal?" i spat back at him, i couldn't believe the nerve josh had.

"what? tyler being covered in blood? that is normal. have you seen the kid's wrists? news flash madelyn, your boy toy is a psychopath."

"did tyler hurt himself? oh god, i have to leave." i told josh. i began to walk out the door but josh started talking again before i was out.

"so soon?" he asked with a smirk. i almost gagged.

"what the fuck do you mean? this is my apartment josh and i will call the police if you don't get up and leave in thirty seconds!" i was screaming now, anxiety overcame everything in my body. i was scared about my own safety with josh being in my apartment, and i was scared of tyler's safety.

"tyler didn't hurt himself, i did." josh said proudly as he stood up and walked towards me. i tried to keep my distance from him, if he had hurt me before there is no doubt that he would do it again.

"tyler's not a psycho, you are. do you even have feelings? do you ever think about other people's feelings?"  i was becoming more angry by the second. i took my phone out of my pocket and stared to dial 911.

before i could finish, josh ran over to me and smacked my phone out of my hand. i could hear it shattered as it hit the ground, but right now, i didn't care.

"what is wrong with you?" i asked as i looked at him in disbelief.

"the joyous powers of alcohol." josh whispered, his lips turned up and formed a sinister smile.

"you're drunk? i should've known. what did you do to tyler? is he okay?"

"madelyn, i'm always drunk. and you're boyfriend? he punched me first. if you called the police, he would get in trouble so i wouldn't bother. he's probably fine, it was only small blow to the face." josh told me, his words slightly slurred.

i didn't bother replying, instead i dived out of josh's view and grabbed my phone that was lying smashed on the ground. when i picked it up and piece of glass jabbed into my finger and blood was now pouring out of it, i winced in pain but had more important things to worry about.

the phone was shattered pretty badly, but thankfully it still worked. i quickly hit emergency dial and put in 911. before josh could stop me this time, the emergency operator picked up.

"hi what's you're emergency and where are you?" the operated asked me. i panicked as josh got closer to me.

"i need police there's a drunk guy in my apartment who won't leave and he's threatened me before i'm scared please send help quickly." and i told them my address, my voice began to crack as tears formed in my eyes. it just set in how scary this really is.

"do you know this man?"

"ye-" i tried to say but josh had finally caught up to me and grabbed me, causing me to drop my phone.

"i told you not to bother calling the police!" josh yelled at me, but by now i was in full hysterics.

"j-josh, they're on their way." i told him in between sobs.

"they can't save you right now though, can they?" josh asked.

i was trembling profusely. i didn't know if i would be able to make it out alive at this point. josh is drunk and extremely angry, i could smell the vodka coming from his mouth. maybe i should've never called the police.

"what do you mean?" i asked as tears and snot streamed down my face. i could taste the salty tears in my mouth as i spoke.

josh didn't say anything, but he yanked my hair. i hissed in pain as my scalp began to throb.

"please, just leave me alone." i pleaded, but josh showed no mercy as he took me by my hair and begun to bang my head against the wall. my vision became foggy and i could barely notice the blood dripping on the wall. blood? who's blood? oh, my blood.

i tried to beg josh to stop, but the pain was becoming unbearable and i struggled to form any words. josh wouldn't let me go. i very weakly tried to get away but it was too late. everything hurt, the world around me became dizzy, and the last thing i remembering hearing was josh laughing like a maniac.

i fell unconscious.


a/n: wow! it's been forever since i last updated and i'm soso sorry. i'm going to wrap up the story shortly.

don't hate me for this chapter tho.

oh, and also, i just wanted to take a moment and thank you all for reading this story and commenting and all that stuff. it means so much to me, i never thought i would get this far. i love you all.

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