you forgot too?

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A car horn sounded from behind me.

I stopped the bike and got off.

The black vehicle slowed down to a stop beside me, the creepy thing was, I've never seen that car before.

The tinted window slowly went down to reveal, Cyrus?


Jeez. How many cars does this kid drive?!

"Hey" he smiled.

"You scared me! I thought you were some creepy serial killer that was going to pick me up!" I yelled a bit at him.

He laughed a little, "oh really? So you got off your bike so you could jump right in?"

"No, I got off because I was getting ready to pepper spray you."

He lifted a brow. "And you, have pepper spray?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "yes. Yes I do."

"Sure you do."

I frowned at him.

He smiled and bit the side of his lip, "You look cute when you frown."

I blushed at that, Can guys just not say things like that to girls?! 

"So...." I started while I looked at the ground trying not to show my blushing face.

"I forgot my phone in your car..."

He turned his body towards the passengers seat, "do you mean this?" He held up my shattered phone.

I went up to his window to reach for the object, as my hand was half an inch away, he pulled back.

"Really Cyrus?" I asked him exasperated.

"I'll give it to you,"

"Okay" I reached for it again.

But he pulled it away.

"Come on Cyrus."

"I'll give it to you, only if you'll come over."

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