Chapter 1

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Kaylin Dark

Flinging open the door to my dorm, I heard a squeal and looked towards the couch to see my roommate on top of a college boy. The boy was bare ass naked as was my roommate. I put my hand over my eyes and turned around, shutting the door. "I can never unsee that. Ever," I whispered before shaking my head and walked towards the common area.  A few detectives were in there questioning CCU students. One with blonde hair looked up and looked to me.

"Hi. I'm Detective Thawne. There was a murder here recently. Do you know anything about it?" he questioned, getting ready to write. I nodded. I witnessed the murder.

"Yeah. Because I know who it is," I replied. He looked up slowly from his notepad.

"Excuse me?" he asked. I sighed and looked around before glancing outside in the empty hallway.

"Can we talk out there?" I asked, pointing my finger towards the hallway. Thawne nodded and followed me out there. "Okay. So I was at this party the other night. There was alcohol and drugs but I swear, I only had one beer. I wasn't even the slightest bit tipsy. Anyways, there was this guy stalking me and my best friend, Trey, and he ended up cornering us in a room. I thought he was drunk and just wanted me so I kicked him in the balls." Thawne winced like he knew how it felt. "Yeah. He jumped back. Anyways, he lunged towards me with a knife and I dodged it but it ended up killing Trey. The guy later murdered three other students here. His name is-" I was cut off by a loud gunshot and stinging pain in my back. I let out a blood curling scream and fell to the ground. Detective Thawne pointed his gun above me and fired a few times, missing as the guy ran. The man shot and Thawne ducked, dropping his gun. I scowled and ignored the pain as the adrenaline kicked in, lunging for the gun.

The man hovered over me, looking down at me. I pointed the gun up and shot, getting a head shot. He fell backwards on the ground, dropping his machine gun. I leaned back and breathed heavily, tiring myself out finally. A few other detectives ran in and crouched down next to me. "Can you hear me?" one asked. I laughed lightly and nodded.

"Loud and clear, Detective. Could you call an ambulance? I'm kinda injured and/or dying," I joked. He smiled a little and nodded, getting out his radio.

"I need an ambulance at CCU, common room 3. I have a girl shot in the back." He paused. "What's your name?" he asked me.

"Kaylin. Kaylin Dark," I replied in a hoarse voice. He nodded and repeated it to the dispatcher, before hanging up.

"Hang in there, Kaylin. They're on their way," he told me. I gave him a smile and nodded, sighing. Truth be told, I could barely feel the bullet that day. The spot was numb. I think. When the ambulance had finally arrived, my shirt was soaked with blood. So much for it being my favorite shirt.

9 Months Later...

Walking into the precinct, I smiled and waved to the officers and detectives. I made my way towards Eddie Thawne's desk and dropped the file on his desk. "Male. 25. Couldn't find a name. Raped 3 girls in the past 2 weeks. I know where he is," I said. Eddie looked up from his computer.

"You found all of that out that fast? It's only been..." He paused to look at his watch. "Half an hour. Kaylin, are you Batman or something?" he joked. I scoffed and shook my head.

"I wish. But we all know that will never happen. Where's Joe?" I asked, looking around the precinct.

"With Iris. They're at lunch with Barry." I nodded.

"You know, it's been 9 months and to this day I still haven't met Barry. It's like he doesn't want to meet me. I wonder why," I pondered. Eddie shrugged and looked through the file. I sat on the edge of his desk and grinned. "So how's it going with Iris?" I asked. His head shot up.

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