Chapter One

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It was 7:00 am and Hoseok's alarm kept ringing causing the boy to wake up out of his peaceful dream where he was dreaming about horses and bunnies.

It was the first day of Hoseok's last year of high school. He had spent all of his summer days with his friends hanging out in his bedroom playing video games or going to the local studio to dance his heart out to the beautiful music. He sighed and stayed in bed for another 15 minutes before realising school started that day. He immediately jumped out of bed to get ready but his foot got caught in his duvet causing his entire body to tip over and fall on the floor and alert everyone on the top floor of his house that he was awake. He groaned and sat up, already dreading the day.

"Seokie, is everything alright?" His mother was heard from the opposite side of the door.
"Yeah, I'm fine mom!" He yelled for his mother to hear him.

"Okay, well get ready quickly otherwise you're going to be late also, it's the first day, so try not to get into trouble." Her footsteps were soon heard going downstairs.

Hoseok chuckled and got up. After getting dressed and prepared for the day he took a look in the mirror and frowned. He brought his hand up to his head and quickly fixed his hair.

That's better, he thought.

He quickly made his way downstairs and into the kitchen where his mom and his younger sister, Chaerin, were sitting down and eating breakfast. Hoseok grabbed one piece of toast from the plate and said goodbye to his family, running out of the house to get to school.


After running the entire way, he slowly made his way to the back of the school where his friends Namjoon, Yoongi, Sehun and Jongin would most likely be. Turning the corner, he saw the guys sat on the floor and everybody except one had a cigarette in between their fingers. Hoseok scrunched up his face in disgust, he didn't like smoking at all, he just didn't understand the appeal of inhaling something that will eventually kill you.

He ran to his friends and jumped on his best friend, Namjoon's back

"Hey, wassup?!" Hoseok screeched loudly right next to Namjoon's ear.
"Argh! Hoseok, what the hell?" Namjoon yelled, confused as he tried to shake Hoseok off of his back. But to no avail the oldest clung on tightly.

"Whoops, sorry!" Hoseok laughed, while getting off his friend. He then greeted everyone with a hug which they all returned.

"Hoseok, chill, it's only been three days since you've last seen us." Sehun joked causing the others to erupt in laughter.

"Hey everybody!" A feminine voice was heard from behind them. Hoseok turned around and saw a pretty, petite girl with short blond hair.

"Hey, babe." Namjoon immediately walked up to the small girl while the group looked at him in confusion.

"Guys, this Choa, my girlfriend." He smiled happily as he looked from the newly introduced girl, Choa to the boys. Everyone was shocked

"Damn, she must be special for Namjoon to actually be dating someone." Kai whispered to himself but Hoseok and Yoongi ended up hearing him. The two boys that heard, couldn't help but to nod in agreement.

Suddenly, the bell that meant it was time for first period rang which caused everyone to slightly jump from the sudden loud atmosphere after being quiet for so long.

"Hey, Hoseok, me and the guys were planning on ditching, wanna join?" Yoongi asked

"Actually, I was gonna go to class, gonna try to get my grades up, you guys go ahead." Hoseok replied
"Wow, have fun, nerd." Sehun scoffed sassily and started to walk away with the others, all of them saying bye to Hoseok.


Hoseok quickly made his way through the halls, occasionally bumping into some people which resulted in them apologising a lot and then running away from him. He doesn't understand why people are so scared of him, he wouldn't even hurt a fly unless it's serious. True, he can be intimidating when he was pissed but he wouldn't purposefully attack someone without reason to. He shrugged it off and finally entered the classroom where everyone was stood at the back of the class.

Oh crap, he thought, assigned seats.

"Good morning, everyone, I would introduce myself but I've been stuck with this class for two years straight and now it's going to be another year." Mr Lee laughed at his own remark as he stood in front of the class.

"However, with a new year, comes new seats," The entire class groaned in annoyance. "I know, I know, but this is a great to speak to people you'd never speak to by your own choice, so that's why I planned these seats very carefully"

He started to read out from his paper "Okay, Choa, I'd like you to sit next to Amber. Amber next to Jungkook and next to Jungkook can I have Kyungsoo." Amber and Jungkook low-key high fived each other and they giggled as they sat down next to each other.

Of course, sit the nerd friends next to each other, how fair, Hoseok was thinking while chewing his gum loudly. The teacher continued to read names out and Hoseok spaced out until he heard his name being said.

"Sorry, what?" Hoseok was confused as he didn't hear his teacher, causing a few people from the class to laugh loudly at him.
"I said, sit down next to Park Jimin" His teacher repeated for the third time.

"Who?" Hoseok questioned erupting more laughter from his peers. He couldn't help but smile at the way people thought he was funny. He then saw a hand raise up which was followed by a smooth voice

"I'm Park Jimin, idiot."


So that was the first chapter, I hope you like it and please comment! ^-^

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