Chapter Seven

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For the next few days Jimin didn't go to school and Hoseok was feeling as guilty as ever. It was now Friday and negative thoughts kept running through his mind as he kept thinking the worst had happened.
What if he's in the hospital?
What if he's there because I didn't help him?
Hoseok started tearing up as images of Jimin laying motionless on a hospital bed because of injuries caused by his friends rushed through his brain. He saw how Jimin's friends looked during school and none of them seemed to have the same happy vibe as they usually did, which worried Hoseok greatly. This time, tears started pouring out and Hoseok was silently crying in the darkness of the winter mornings, where no one could see him. Since he was walking to school by himself, he had more time to think. He wondered if Jimin was badly injured or if he was okay but then he was filled with regret and sorrow as his actions dawned on him and he realised it was his fault that Jimin wasn't in school for the past few days.
Nearing the back of the school, Hoseok had to quickly wipe his tears and start smiling before he met his friends, he didn't want them asking questions.

They all saw him coming towards them so they cheered and greeted him happily.
"Hey guys." Hoseok greeted tediously. Yoongi noticed and frowned.
"Hey, what's up bro? You don't look so good." Yoongi questioned, his eyes showing worry.
"I just have a headache, that's all." Hoseok fake-smiled and they all looked convinced.

The bell rang so Hoseok and Yoongi immediately went to their classes.
During the first lesson, which was English, Hoseok hardly did any work. Every time he'd try do write a basic sentence, Jimin was constantly reappearing in his thoughts completely distracting him. His teacher took notice and once again he was stuck with after-school detention.
The lesson soon ended and Hoseok walked out, mentally preparing for another boring lesson.
As Hoseok was turning the corner he spotted a mess of brown hair from the crowd. Hoseok watched intently thinking the boy was Jimin, but then Hoseok shook his head and dismissed the thought as Jimin hadn't been in school week.

However, after the brown haired boy turned around to look behind him, it was revealed that it truly was Jimin. Hoseok smiled widely and immediately ran towards Jimin.

"Jimin! Wait!" Hoseok yelled down the corridor as he was running to Jimin.
Jimin stopped shortly, turned around with wide eyes and continued walking. Hoseok noticed but he continued running towards Jimin anyway.

Once he finally he reached Jimin, Hoseok reached out his arm and grabbed Jimin's shoulder making Jimin wince and face him slightly. That's when Hoseok noticed his appearance, he had dark bags under his eyes and bruises all around his body, probably from all the hits he took from Namjoon and Sehun.

"Hey, what're you doing?" Hoseok asked, confused.
Jimin just ignored him and carried on walking.
"Jimin!" Hoseok yelled after him and ran again. By this point, everyone had reached their classes and they were the only ones out on the corridor.
Hoseok caught up to Jimin and pinned him up against the wall making Jimin wimper.
"Why are you walking away from me?" Hoseok asked.
Jimin stayed quiet for a bit before softly whispering, "Are you going to hit me too?"
Hoseok frowned and stared at Jimin.
"Why would I do that?"
"Because your friends do."
Jimin pushed Hoseok off and they stared at each other, neither of them knowing what to say.
"Just because they do, doesn't mean that I will." Hoseok argued.
"But you don't stop them," Jimin retorted, catching Hoseok off guard.
"What? You think I didn't see you walk away while your friends happily beat me to a pulp?" Jimin started yelling and Hoseok looked down in guilt.
"I-I'm sorry."
"No! Sorry doesn't cut it, you left me there, Hoseok. I was in the hospital for four days because of them! I guess 'I'll always be here for you' doesn't apply when your friends are hurting others and your popularity is at risk, does it?" Jimin threw Hoseok's words back at him and Hoseok started tearing up.
"I still mean that... I'll be here for you, honestly. I can explain." Hoseok whispered, not trusting his voice to go any louder without breaking.

"If you did you would've stopped them." Jimin now had tears streaming down his face, anyone watching the scene would've thought these two were insane.
Hoseok walked towards Jimin and hugged him quickly,
"I'm so sorry, Jiminie, I'll protect you next time. I will."
Jimin ignored the urge to hug him back or blush at the nickname and just forgive Hoseok, but he just couldn't do that at the time, he needed Hoseok to know that he needs to trust him. So he pushed him away.
"Jimin..." Hoseok pleaded, his voice slightly cracking, trying to get Jimin to trust him again but to no avail, it was pointless.
"I just can't trust you right now, Hoseok."
And with one last look, Jimin walked away, leaving Hoseok in tears on the floor leaning his back up against the wall while he covered his face with his hands.

Hoseok stayed there for the entirety of the lesson he was supposed to be at. He realised that what he wanted most in life right now was for Jimin to like him again and now Hoseok was determined to get Jimin to forgive him.

Little did they know that Namjoon and Yoongi had watched the entire scene.
hey y'all, i'm not sure about this chapter, it originally wasn't going to be this angsty xD however i feel like it needed more drama in it so yeah. anyway tell me what you guys think and feel free to comment (srsly i love reading your comments) ^-^ see you in the next chapter~

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