Chapter Two

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"I'm Park Jimin, idiot."

A few gasps were heard throughout the class and Hoseok stared at the boy, with an incredulous smile rising at the corners of his soft, thin lips.

"Oh my god, why are you speaking to Jung Hoseok like that, who do you think you are?!" A girl yelled out at Jimin. However, Jimin showed no fear in his eyes, just annoyance. Making Hoseok smile even more before finally making his was towards the table and sat down next to the brave boy. Murmuring was heard around the room.

"Okay class calm down, let's get to work." The teacher called out the names on the register and then started the lesson.

Meanwhile, Jimin and Hoseok were staring at each other, a soft, subtle smile playing at the elders lips as he recalled the moments that had occurred earlier. Jimin stared back fiercely letting Hoseok know he wouldn't take being messed with kindly even though his heart was racing with anxiety after what he had said. He doesn't know where all of that courage came from, it was probably because of Hoseok's annoyingly smug face while he acted ignorantly. It also was probably the way he was obnoxiously chewing his gum. All of which fuelled the fire which caused him to do such a thing.

Jimin was usually quiet in class, so quiet in fact, that some people weren't even aware he was in the room with them. The only time he was even remotely loud was when he was with his best friends Jin, Jungkook, Taehyung and Amber. So everyone was clearly shocked at the boy's boldness.

Jimin didn't necessarily like Hoseok. He thought he was a trouble maker because of the crowd he hangs out with. All of the people Hoseok is friends with are rude, ignorant people that Jimin hates for various reasons: They always bully younger kids in the school, ditch class and smoke and think they're awesome for it and they all are huge homophobes. He's seen the group leader Namjoon constantly make fun of the two dating boys that are in their second year of school by calling them awful names.

That's why Jimin didn't like them, they are nothing but troublemakers. He also isn't very psyched about having to sit next to Hoseok, sure, he's never seen Hoseok participate in most of the actions but he's friends with them so he's just as bad.

The stare down continued until they both got called out by the teacher making them break eye contact.
"Can you two stop flirting with each other and actually pay attention in my lesson!" Mr Kim yelled in annoyance causing the class to giggle. Mr Kim took a look in their school books and noticed that neither of them had done their work in the half an hour that they had been in class.
"Seriously? You've both done nothing in this lesson? I expect this behaviour from you Jung Hoseok but Jimin? That's it, detention for both of you"

"But sir!" Hoseok argued

"No buts! Detention for an hour after school" Mr Kim informed.

The lesson soon ended and they didn't interact for the rest of the lesson.


It was break now and Hoseok was in the cafeteria with his friends while talking about Kai's party that he was going to have that weekend.

During the conversation, Namjoon's low voice was suddenly heard
"Hey, Seokie, heard you got slayed by a nerd"
"What? No, of course not, it was just a stupid comment" Hoseok said defensively.

"Well, you know if you want us to teach him a lesson, we're here. Actually, we should go do that right now, right guys?" The other guys nodded in agreement.

"Actually, that won't be ne-" Hoseok was interrupted by Sehun's voice screaming out "There he is!" and as if on cue all of the guys ran towards the male exiting the cafeteria. Hoseok ran after them trying to stop them.

When he reached them, Namjoon already had Jimin pinned up against the wall with his fist ready to go into contact with Jimin's handsome face.

Wait, what? Handsome, what the hell Hoseok now is not the time. He thought.

"Did you or did you not call Hoseok an idiot?!" Sehun screamed in Jimin's face
"Really, you're taking this too far" Jimin's panicked voice shook.
"Not so tough now, are you big-guy?" Namjoon laughed. All of the boys were in attack mode as they raised fists and chuckled along apart from Hoseok and Yoongi who were stuck in position.

As soon as Namjoon's fist connected with Jimin's cheek repeatedly, Hoseok immediately ran towards them in attempts to stop him.

"Namjoon! Stop!" Hoseok screamed while violently grabbing a hold of Namjoon's fist.
"Hoseok! What the fuck?!" Namjoon yelled in confusion.

Hoseok ignored him and looked over at Jimin and saw that some bruises were already starting to form on his face.

"You didn't have to fucking beat him up!" Hoseok yelled at all of the boys crowded around him.

All of the boys were confused as they saw Hoseok's reaction.

"I'm taking him to the nurse, I'll see you guys later" Hoseok huffed and took hold of Jimin's arm and put it around his neck as he helped carry him.

"Whatever." Namjoon said as the group walked back into the cafeteria. Yoongi was trailing behind them.

Jimin stared at Hoseok in confusion as he was being assisted towards the nurse's office.

"What?" Hoseok asked as he noticed the younger boy staring at him.
"Why did you help me? You could've just let them punch me" Jimin mumbled

"I stopped them because you didn't deserve that, what you said didn't even offend me, they took it too far. I mean, you just called me an idiot, that's the worst insult ever" Hoseok laughed
Jimin chuckled softly also

"Well, you are an idiot, those guys are gonna think you're against them now since you didn't comply with beating me up" Jimin warned.

"They won't, we're closer than that and if they do, then oops" Hoseok chuckled and looked over at Jimin. The latter smiled softly at the eldest.
"Are you okay?" Hoseok asked in concern
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just to lie down for a bit"
"That's why I'm taking you to the nurse, dummy."
"Oh, so that's why, I never would've guessed." Jimin replied, his words dripping with sarcasm.

"You know, for a nerd, you a talk a lot." Hoseok noticed.

"You know for a popular guy, you're pretty nice." Jimin sassed.
"Touché" Hoseok smiled.

They reached the nurse's office and she gasped as soon as she laid eyes on Jimin.
"What in God's name happened?" she queried
"He was beat up." Hoseok guiltily replied.
"Well, thank you for bringing him here." She smiled politely. "I'll take care of him, don't worry."

The nurse grabbed a hold of Jimin's arm and let him lay down on the bed. "I'll make sure he doesn't have a concussion or anything, you can stay outside and wait, if you want." She told Hoseok
"Actually, I think I'm gonna go, tell Jimin that I hope he gets better" He smiled and left the room, leaving the nurse smiling in confusion.
"Okay then." She murmured.

As Hoseok walked away, he couldn't but grin as he remembered how Jimin smiled at him, Hoseok chuckled to himself and went back to meet up with his friends.


That's the second chapter! Whoop! :)

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