Chapter Fourteen

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Jimin was currently sitting alone in a small, cosy cafe. Not many people knew about it, so he always loved going there whenever he felt stressed, wanted to read or needed to complete his homework, simply for the fact that it was usually pretty empty and easy to concentrate on whatever he was trying to accomplish.

He was sitting comfortably on a red stool that was placed directly in front of the counter that the employees served costumers on. His head was facing down intensely into his favourite thriller book, which he was reading for the 7th time, mind you. His right hand was resting on the countertop, ready to grab his coffee for a sip whenever he felt it was necessary to do so.

He heard a ding from the entry door as it opened but kept his head buried in the book. He felt a presence sit on the stool next to him but chose to ignore it as he kept on reading the words from his book.

Jimin heard a voice cough and eventually say, "That's my favourite book."
As excitement courses through his veins at the sudden voice, he looked up immediately to look at the person who's voice had just broken the silence throughout the cafe. It was a cute male with dyed pink hair. The boy had soft, some would say feminine, features. His pink, plump lips were stretched into an adorable box-smile, which revealed a row of perfect teeth.

"Me too, I've read it 7 times, counting this one." Jimin smiled back at the unknown male, who flashed another energetic smile at the younger.
"He is probably one of the best writers of all time, he has a way of keeping you immersed in a story." The boy spoke, making Jimin nod his head vigorously in agreement.
"Totally! I've never liked crime books, but his always keep me entertained!" Jimin shared excitedly. He was ecstatic to have found someone that shared his love for his favourite author.

"I'm Park Jimin." Jimin held out his hand to greet the other, to which the latter returned politely
"Byun Baekhyun, nice to meet you!" The other boy who was now revealed as Baekhyun excitedly said.

"Are you from around here?" Jimin asked curiously, finding himself wanting to know more about Baekhyun.
"No actually, I moved from Bucheon to Busan yesterday. I'm trying to get to know the place before I start at my new school tomorrow, I was walking around and found this place." Baekhyun responded.

"Well, I'm glad you did." Jimin said, making Baekhyun blush, which Jimin found incredibly adorable, after all, he already found this boy attractive since he first saw him.

The two boys continued to talk about other books and authors. Then the conversation kept changing to various topics, needless to say the two were getting to know each other better, at that point they knew a lot about each other already. Before either of them had to go back home Baekhyun was the one that suggested they exchange numbers, in order to meet up again sometime. Once they had both swapped numbers, they chatted some more before Baekhyun received a call from his dad, making Baekhyun leave the cafe since his father wanted him home as soon as possible. He muttered, "Goodbye, Park Jimin, I hope to see you soon. I had a great time." Baekhyun hugged Jimin and was on his way out of the cafe, leaving Jimin smiling alone in the deserted cafe. He was happy to have found a new friend, especially a cute, nice friend.
The next day, Jimin and Hoseok walked to school together, hand in hand throughout the entire journey.
Once they had entered the school, they walked over to their usual place where Amber, Jin, Jungkook, Namjoon, Taehyung and Yoongi were sat.

"Morning guys!" Hoseok excitedly greeted them all, to which they replied with exhausted, unamused 'Hello's'. This caused a frown to appear on the excited boy's face.
"Why are you all so grouchy?" Hoseok asked.
"Namjoon and Yoongi had a party last night and invited us, it got pretty cray." Amber mumbled as she rested her head on the crossed arms.
"You should have seen all the hot chicks!" Jungkook smiled as he recalled the events from the previous nights, nudging Taehyung to laugh along but he only stared blankly since he knew Yoongi was watching.
Amber rose from her tired state and hit his arm before muttering, "Pig!" as Jungkook stared at her with adoration and amusement.
Hoseok and Jimin looked over to Jin, who was covering his face with large sunglasses, even while covering most of face, it was evident that there was a scowl placed on his expression.

"Jin, what are the glasses for? It's not sunny." Jimin wondered aloud, causing the eldest to sigh.
"I wouldn't expect you kids to understand, but I look hideous, I can't let people see my face with dark circles under my eyes when every other day I look really handsome." Jin groaned.
"You always look handsome no matter what though." Namjoon spoke unexpectedly, causing the entire group to look at him with shocked expressions.
"I didn't say anything." He tried to cover up, but failed nonetheless, everyone caught on to what he said, especially Jin who was now staring intently at Namjoon.
"Namjoon, Yoongi, I can't believe you let them get smashed." Hoseok face-palmed as he tried his hardest to not laugh hysterically since none of Jimin's friends were experienced with alcohol.
"They had fun though, didn't you guys?" Yoongi yelled, purposefully causing their headaches to worsen.
They all groaned even more and laid their heads on the table simultaneously some curse words aimed at Yoongi slipped out of Jungkook and Jin's lips, causing the other boys to laugh.

"Come on, Hobi. Let's go to class." Jimin said as he heard the bell ring, he grabbed Hoseok's wrist and dragged him into their maths room.

After everyone had entered, their teacher quietened the class, he said he had something to announce.
"I don't know if any of you have heard or seen, but we have a new student with us today. He recently moved here so make sure you guys make him feel welcome. Come in." He motioned for the boy to enter the classroom, which he did. As soon as the male walked into the room, people were going crazy. Compliments could be heard throughout the room as the pink-haired boy stood awkwardly in front of the class.

Jimin recognised who it was immediately but the boy hadn't glanced over to him yet.

"Class, I'd like you to meet-" He was interrupted.

HELLOOOO! How are you guys??
Well here's an update since I was feeling really motived, even though it's 12am and I have school tomorrow... oh well xD
So how was this update? Do you like how Baekhyun is now a part of the story, even better, pink haired baekhyun... my weakness -.- . Also I wanted him and Jimin to meet because of that book because it's my favourite book of all time, you guys should check it out "Fear the Dark" by Chris Mooney, it's sooo good! (not sponsored btw xD i just really want his book to get more love)

also, i'd love to talk to you guys, so if you ever want to chat about random shiz, hit me up :))
anywayy.. expect more drama from me ;))) it turns out i really like writing dramatic scenes.
once again, thankyou for reading, voting and commenting, it really means a lot to me!
see you on the next chapter~

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