Chapter Ten

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After the kiss, neither Jimin or Hoseok spoke for a while, both felt too awkward after having finally done something they both had been wanting to do for a long time. They were both sitting cross-legged on the floor facing each other. They both wanted to apologise and say it was heat-of-the-moment thing but they both knew that their true intentions were portrayed by their actions.
Hoseok was the first to say something "So how about that kiss, eh?"
Jimin looked at him with a confused look and had to stop himself from snorting in laughter.
"Really? That's the first thing you say?" Jimin smiled softly looking over a Hoseok to see him look back with a lovable expression.
Hoseok nodded and reached out to grab Jimin's hands
"But really, w-what does this make us?" Hoseok questioned, slightly nervous.
What? Jimin thought, Hoseok is stuttering, that's a first.
"I think that it makes us anything we want to be." Jimin responded
"Well, what do we want to be?" Hoseok asked
"I don't know about you, but I want to date you and kiss your cute face like that all the time," Jimin confessed boldly.
Hoseok raised his eyebrows at the younger, wondering where he got his newfound confidence from.
"Well, I would like that as well." Hoseok smiled. The pair looked at each other and started giggling awkwardly.
"This is so-" Hoseok was cut off by Jimin's lips pressing against his own, they could feel each other smiling into the kiss which brought a wave of euphoria and exhilaration throughout their bodies. Hoseok brought his hands up to grab the back of Jimin's neck, making the little hairs on Jimin's neck raise. They were both kissing passionately and would've carried on if it wasn't for the loud footsteps they heard outside of the door.
They both separated from one another immediately and pretended to be playing the game they had been a few minutes earlier as it was still turned on.
Jimin's mother entered the room without knocking and said, "Hey guys, Hoseok, would you like to stay for dinner? It's freezing out, I'd hate for you to walk home in this weather without food in your system." She was quick to notice the pair's heavy breathing along with their flustered, red faces. She smirked and then added "You can sleep over too, if you want?"
Jimin's eyes widened as he looked at his mother
"I'd love to, if it's okay with Jimin." Hoseok looked at him expectantly, secretly hoping that Jimin would agree to the idea.
"I mean, yeah, if you want to." Jimin mumbled.
Hoseok and Mrs. Park both started smiling and she quickly left the room after saying that dinner would be ready soon.

"So I guess, I'm staying over?" Hoseok wiggled his eyebrows at Jimin, to which the younger scoffed and slightly pushed him playfully.
"You start getting weird and I won't hesitate to make you sleep on the floor tonight." Jimin threatened.
"Wait, I thought that's where I would be sleeping anyway? Unless..." Hoseok smirked at Jimin making the smaller's face start to heat up in embarrassment.

"Shush, you don't have to if you don't want to.." Jimin trailed off, looking at the floor in embarrassment, he didn't even notice Hoseok placing himself behind Jimin and wrapping his arms around his torso, lightly and innocently kissing the nape of Jimin's neck.
"I'd love to."
They could've contently stayed like that forever if it wasn't for Mrs. Park yelling through the door, saying that dinner was ready.
They both groaned but got up anyway, Jimin swiftly pecked Hoseok's lips and exited the room, leaving Hoseok with a soft smile on his face.
They both slowly walked down the stairs and walked towards kitchen table where Mrs. Park was already sat down and was serving some food on the plates for the boys.
"Come on, the food will get cold!"

Jimin and Hoseok sat next to each on the table filled with empty seats, making Mrs. Park smile wildly.
"So, what did you two do up there?" She asked, trying to hide her true question: are you two dating?
"We just played Call of Duty, really." Jimin replied, while looking at his plate.
Hoseok was silent until he tried some of the food, "Mrs. Park, this is delicious!" He smiled widely making the older woman smile whole-heartedly.
"Oh, why, thank you Hoseok! Eat well, boys." and eat well they did.

After they had all finished their food, conversations. began to arise between the three. They varied from talking about tv shows to movies to celebrities.
"I've always thought Jimin would be a great idol, he has the voice of a thousand angels!" She yelled proudly.
Hoseok's eyes flicked on to Jimin who was blushing madly.
"Wait, you can sing?" He asked with a huge smile on his face
"I mean, sorta. I'm alright at it."
"He's more than alright!" Mrs. Park chimed in.
"Why didn't you ever tell me?" Hoseok asked.
"Well, you never asked." Jimin kept looking down.
Surprisingly, Hoseok attacked the younger into a tight hug.
"Oh my god, you have to let me hear you sing!" Hoseok excitedly yelled out.
The younger boy chuckled and said
"Well, it's only fair, I saw you dance. Which was amazing, by the way." Jimin looked at Hoseok and the action was returned by the latter, they both soon got lost in their own world but were quickly pulled out from it when Mrs. Park cleared her throat.

"You two definitely seem a lot closer than the last time I saw you." She was indirectly asking them if they had anything they wanted to share.
"Actually, mum, we have something to tell you." Jimin said, looking at Hoseok to ask if it was okay that he tell his mother through eye contact, Hoseok simply nodded in agreement and carried on smiling.
"Hoseok and I, are dating!" He shouted out and soon they were both giggling to each other but soon stopped when they realised Mrs. Park wasn't laughing along with them.

"Are you kidding me?" She said, scaring the boys, "Tell me something I don't know, fools." She soon started laughing and clapping.
The two sighed in relief and all of the tension between them had completely disintegrated into thin air.
"However, I would like to set some house rules." making Jimin groan as he held his face in his hands.
"Number one, you're not allowed to lock the bedroom door. Number two, don't have too much fun in my house. And lastly, number three, you are not to sneak Hoseok in the house at night. Got it?" She raised her eyebrow at them, making them straighten up (A/N- hehehe) and nod in understanding.

"Okay, I'm glad we could sort this out, with that said, I'm happy for you two, congratulations, boys. Jimin, you got a real catch here!"
Jimin laughed and looked at Hoseok, who was blushing intensely "I know right."

After a few more chats, the boys finally went back into his room, where Hoseok called his mother to tell her that he would be staying at Jimin's house. Hoseok's mother happily let him stay there since she loved Jimin. He visited their house a few times and Hoseok's mother had never liked one of his friends so much, saying he was a very polite and lovely boy.

As soon as they got ready to sleep and started getting comfy in Jimin's bed, Hoseok turned to talk to Jimin.
"I like you so much, Jiminie."
"I like you too, Hoseok"
Hoseok kissed Jimin feverishly, which Jimin returned the kiss to before pulling his lips away from the younger's. He wrapped his arms around Jimin and muttered, "Sweet dreams, babe." into Jimin's hair, smiling softly as he reminisced the first time he slept next to Jimin.

This is where they are both happiest, in each other's warm and comforting arms and away from the world. This is where they wish to stay.

anyway, we've made it to ten chapters! this calls for celebration
i'm so thankful for anyone that reads this story and comments, you guys make my day ^-^
till the next chapter<3

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