Chapter Three

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Namjoon and the group were left dumbfounded as they watched an annoyed Hoseok walk away with Jimin.

"The fuck was that about?" Jongin questioned.

"I know right." Sehun agreed in confusion.

"What do you think his problem is?" Yoongi finally spoke
"Something is up with him, and I don't like it." Namjoon spoke as he motioned for the group to follow him back to their seats in the cafeteria.

As they all sat down, Hoseok came in through the doors with a smile on face. Spotting this, Jongin nudged Sehun's elbow with his own to direct his eyes towards the boy. Noticing this, Namjoon followed their eyes to where they were looking. After seeing Hoseok, he stayed quiet until Hoseok joined them.

"Hey guys, sorry ab-" Hoseok was interrupted by Namjoon,

"What the heck?! Why did you stop us, you've never stopped us before so why now?" Namjoon was angry as hell, this was obvious.

Hoseok gulped and looked down guiltily. Namjoon saw this and sighed.
"Jeez man, look, I'm just confused, all of us are." Namjoon kept glancing at him hoping for a good answer

"I don't know why I stopped you, I just didn't want him to get hurt." Hoseok kept on looking down.

"Dude, that's gay as hell!" Sehun yelled out causing Namjoon and Jongin to laugh while Yoongi and Hoseok looked at them in disgust.

Hoseok loved his friends, but there are things he wished they were understanding of. This was one of those things.

"Wow, Hoseok, I never knew you liked it up the ass!" Namjoon joked causing the other to join in on the joke.

"I don't, guys what the fuck?" Hoseok glared at them. He wasn't gay, obviously. He's had girlfriends and he found girls attractive so clearly he wasn't.

"Oh yeah, then how come you haven't had a girlfriend since the beginning of time?" Jongin carried out the joke

"I'M NOT GAY!" Hoseok shouted out defensively, causing everyone in the cafeteria to look at him and his friends to shut up.

They all looked at him with their eyes wide.

"Dude, we were joking. Chill" Sehun said

"Whatever." Hoseok took out his phone and started playing one of his many games that he had downloaded.

Yoongi looked at him sympathetically, before checking his phone for the text which the phone's vibration indicated he got. He read the message quickly

Babe, where are you? I've been waiting in the library for ages xx

He immediately rose from his seat  and excused himself.

"Guys, I have to go do something really important, see you later!" He ran out of the cafeteria.

"That was weird." Jongin watched Yoongi run off.


After school had ended, Hoseok said goodbye to his friends and started walking towards the nurse, wanting to walk Jimin home to make sure he'd be safe. He knocked on the door and waited. Jimin opened the nurses door and eyed him suspiciously.

"School's over!" Hoseok yelled enthusiastically making Jimin cringe
"Yeah, so what?"  Jimin asked
"So... I'm walking you home! And you can't say no either, since it's my fault you're in the nurse's office anyway." Hoseok smiled which made Jimin automatically scoff.

"What, so you just expect me to follow your orders?" Jimin argued

"No, but I'm offering and I want to make sure you get home safe. I'll be your hope" He grinned and winked making Jimin's entire body warm at thought. He quickly tried to deny it to himself though. Since he obviously hated Hoseok. Obviously.

"Okay." Jimin agreed


As they were walking they surprisingly got to know each other a lot more than they both initially thought.

"No way, you did not do that! Your poor sister!" Jimin laughed hysterically at the story Hoseok had just told him.

"Seriously, it was her birthday and as I was getting her cake out during the song and I tripped over her shoes causing me to fall all over her cake. We had to use the leftover pizza as compensation for cake. I felt so bad she was crying all day." Hoseok cringed at the memory of his little sister in tears due to his clumsiness.

"To be fair though, her shoes should've been in some place else." Jimin giggled.

Hoseok soon found himself wanting to hear that sound again. Hoseok realised he was staring at Jimin when he heard Jimin's soft voice

"What? Is there something on face?" Jimin questioned, quickly bringing his hand up to his face.

Wanting to get out of the awkward situation he got himself in, Hoseok immediately said
"Yeah, you do. It's on your cheek!" He pointed at Jimin's left cheek which was perfectly clean. Jimin gasped and turned around trying to clean whatever was there off of his face. Meanwhile, Hoseok facepalmed himself and whispered "Idiot!" to himself.

Jimin turned back around and asked if it was gone, to which Hoseok said yes to. They both smiled despite the awkwardness and carried on walking.

"I live right here." Jimin shyly pointed at his house. It was a small house with a cute garden out in front of it which was decorated with a fountain, gnomes and flowers.

"It's not much but here it is." He continued

"I think it's cute!" Hoseok complimented looking over at Jimin while he thought: Like something else next to me. He immediately pushed the thought to the back of his head and acted normally. 

"Eh, I guess." Jimin said, the corners of his mouth turning upwards.

"Well, now that I know you're at home safe and sound, I shall be on my way." Hoseok started to turn around slowly until he heard Jimin say, "Thank you, Hoseok, really."

"Any time for you, Jimin." He smiled and walked away from Jimin's house thinking of the shorter boy the entire walk home.

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