Chapter Six

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When Jimin woke up from his nap, he realised he was not alone in his bed since he felt a warm body laying next to him. He looked over and saw Hoseok sleeping peacefully, Jimin blushed and giggled softly trying not to wake up Hoseok. Oh my god, Jimin thought. Suddenly, Jimin's mother barged into the room loudly, scaring Jimin and waking Hoseok, who looked up at them both in confusion.

"Mom, what ar-" Jimin started,
"Finally, you two are awake, who knows how long you were sleeping for. You two looked so cute though, I even took some pictures!" Mrs. Park smiled widely while looking at the two boys in awe while they both blushed furiously.

"Mom, can you leave please?" Jimin pleaded, looking at his mother in desperation.
She nodded excitedly and left the room while chuckling to herself.

"I am so sorry about that." Jimin apologized, his gaze travelling towards Hoseok's. When they both met each other's gaze they started laughing together, quickly getting rid of the awkward atmosphere that was in the room.

"It's totally fine, I do wanna see those pictures though.." Hoseok trailed off and winked at Jimin before running out of Jimin's room to ask Mrs. Park for the photos.

Jimin yelled incoherently and ran after Hoseok who was laughing hysterically.


When Jimin finally appeared downstairs he heard voices coming from the kitchen.
"Awh, look at you two!" That was definitely Jimin's mother. Upon hearing this, he immediately ran towards the kitchen.

Hoseok and his mother were sat down at the table and she was showing Hoseok the pictures she had took of them.

"Mom! No!"Jimin cried out in embarrassment. He slowly reached the two and sneaked a peak at the phone and saw the picture his mother just switched it to, he looked it over and noticed that Hoseok's arms were wrapped around Jimin's waist and Jimin had his face buried in Hoseok's neck. Mrs. Park noticed the two boys begin to blush and decided to stop showing the pictures.

"Well, it's pretty late, Hoseok, would you like to stay over? It's Friday after all." Mrs. Park suggested
"No, thank you, but I should be getting home actually, my mum is probably wondering where I am." Hoseok smiled politely. He kinda wishes he took her up on her offer to stay. He'd love to spend more time with Jimin. He would never admit that though. After saying his goodbyes to Jimin and his mother, Hoseok made his way home.


It was now Monday and Hoseok was at school with his friends in their usual spot at the back of the school. Once again, they were all smoking apart from Hoseok.

"Where were you all weekend? We didn't hang out once." Sehun questioned
"I don't know, just didn't feel like going out." Hoseok shrugged.

Hoseok looked over at his friends to see them all with their eyebrows raised at him except for Yoongi.

Kai looked at Yoongi and said "Hey bro, who do you keep texting, you haven't stopped since Thursday."

Yoongi looked up and all eyes were now on him, since everyone had been wondering the same thing for a few days now.

"I, uh, I'm seeing someone." He smiled widely and hugged his phone tightly to his chest. This brought a turmoil of cheers among the group.

"Yo, who is it?" Namjoon asked while all the boys watched in anticipation.

"I- I can't tell you guys yet." Yoongi mumbled and looked down. Sehun quickly stole Yoongi's phone off of him and started looking at the contacts while Yoongi jumped on his back violently to retrieve his phone back. Yoongi was terrified of them finding out who it was.

"Ooh, who's 'Babe💜✨'?" Kai wiggled his eyebrows at Yoongi who was desperately trying to steal his phone back.

"No one, give it back Sehun! These kids have no respect." Yoongi pouted angrily. Sehun and Kai sighed in defeat and handed Yoongi his phone back while Namjoon and Hoseok watched in amusement. Soon enough, the school bell rang and everyone made their way to their designated classes.


Most of the day was boring to say the least, Hoseok and Jimin didn't have maths on Mondays so they didn't see one other until it was lunchtime. Hoseok was walking into the canteen when he heard a few thuds come from across the hall. He got curious and checked out what was happening. He hid behind the hallway wall and poked his head out to see what was happening.

There he saw Jimin pinned against the wall by Namjoon and Sehun, the rest of the boys were nowhere to be seen. Jimin looked terrified while Sehun and Namjoon grinned madly at him.

"What do you think you're doing, hanging out with Hoseok?!" Hoseok heard Namjoon yell, "Do you think you two are actually friends? Why would Hoseok be friends with a nerdy faggot like you?"
Namjoon started punching Jimin repeatedly in the stomach causing Jimin to yell out in pain. Hoseok wanted to help but he was frozen. He tried to move his legs towards the three to stop them from hurting Jimin any further but he couldn't bring himself to do so. He was already treading on thin ice with his friends, if he stopped them he'd lose them for sure. So instead, he turned around and walked into the cafeteria with tears in his eyes.

Meanwhile, Jimin was silently praying for Hoseok to appear and stop them. He felt another punch in his stomach and he was dropped to the ground. Sehun kicked him once and they finally stopped. Jimin was crying, bloody and wishing that someone would help. But obviously, no one did. Especially not the one person he wanted to save him.

"Stay away from Hoseok."


Hellooo! Sorry for the long update, I was never really in the right mood to update, but here it is,
I hope you all like the new chapter, don't worry, the next chapters will be better than this one :D See you on the next chapter ^-^

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