Chapter Sixteen

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Namjoon, who was wearing black jeans, a pink top and a blue denim jacket, finally mustered the courage to ask Jin out on a date. Well, he thought of it as a date, he basically asked him to watch a movie. 

He took a deep breath, even though it was only a movie, he was still nervous about being alone with Namjoon. The boy raised his fist and knocked multiple times on the wooden door, it opened a few seconds after. 

"Hey, Namjoon!" Jin smiled widely with his teeth, making Namjoon's heart swell. Namjoon glanced at Jin's attire and noticed he was wearing a black top with white polka dots and a black leather jacket styled on top, he was also wearing tight-fitting jeans. His hair was styled messily but carefully, covering Jin's forehead. 

"You look amazing." Namjoon couldn't refrain himself from saying as he found himself staring at the older boy. Jin blushed subtly, which Namjoon didn't take notice of, as he mumbled an almost incoherent 'Thank you'.

Namjoon started walking towards his car and gestured for Jin to follow, which he did. Namjoon opened up the car door for the passenger seat to allow Jin to enter before him, making Jin smile at the gesture and get in. He then walked to the other side of the car and entered. 

As the two were driving down the road, Namjoon asked his 'date' what movie he wanted to watch.
"I don't know, any really." Jin replied, he really didn't mind. 

"We'll decide when we're there then." Namjoon smiled and kept driving. 

Once they reached the cinema, they both managed to decide on a movie and off they went. 
They quickly found their assigned seats at the very back off the cinema room and sat down, trying to avoid any judging glares from random people as soon as possible. 

Halfway through the incredibly boring movie Namjoon found himself stealing glances at Jin, who was eating popcorn innocently while watching the movie. Namjoon couldn't withhold from staring at Jin's lips, which were moving with the way Jin was eating the popcorn. Namjoon licked his lips and imagined what it'd be like to kiss Jin and what it'd be like to run his fingers through Jin's soft hair while kissing him, then he tried to stop his crazy thoughts because a) he didn't even know if Jin liked him back and b) he felt creepy for thinking of such things.

Quickly, he tried focusing back on the terrible movie, but after five minutes of complete and utter boredom, he turned his attention to Seokjin. Namjoon saw that his 'date' was moving his hand to grab more popcorn so Namjoon quickly did the same, effectively making sure that his hand would make contact with Jin's. As soon as their hands touched, Namjoon started breathing heavily but tried to keep it neutral on the outside so that Jin was oblivious to how much the action actually affected him. He just didn't know that Jin was feeling the exact same. 
Jin looked at Namjoon with wide eyes but played it off cool since he was trying to be subtle about his reactions too. 

"Are you not enjoying the movie?" Jin asked, trying to make conversation. Namjoon simply nodded since he wanted Jin to have a good time with him, not be sat there while Namjoon was bored the entire time. 
"Sorry, I wanted you to have a g-" Namjoon started saying in a rushed whisper but Jin quickly cut him off,
"It's okay, I hate it too." He replied with the same hushed tone, his reply made Namjoon relax noticeably.

"Do you wanna get out of here?" He asked while staring at Jin with a unreadable expression,

"Okay." Jin smiled.

Namjoon invited Jin to his house since neither of his parents were in, Jin politely accepted. What could happen? 

As they both entered the house, Namjoon told Jin to feel at home, so he did, he sat comfortably on one of the sofas.After a while of talking Namjoon walked into his kitchen and then came back with two bottles of beer for them, making Jin's eyes widen, but he gladly took and immediately started drinking it. 

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