Chapter Four

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The next morning, Jimin was strangely excited to go to school, his mother quickly picked up on this. 

"Why do you look so happy this morning, honey?" Jimin's caring mother asked him as he sat down at table, preparing himself for eating the delicious chocolate pancakes his mom always made for him and his father. 
"I don't know, I'm just in a fantastic mood." He smiled, refusing to admit that Hoseok was somehow affecting his behaviour and mood in an incredible way. 

"Have you, perhaps, met a boy?" His mother wiggled her dark eyebrows at him, making Jimin's dad laugh at her antics.

"Look at his face, he's blushing!" His dad joined in. His parents know Jimin's gay and he couldn't be more thankful since they understand and are completely okay with it, sometimes they even try to set him up with other boys, which Jimin finds hilarious. 

"Stop! No, I didn't meet anyone!" Jimin argued despite the blush rising upon his cheeks. 

"Jeez, guys, let me eat in peace." His parents chuckled and carried on eating.

Eventually, Jimin was finished and said goodbye to his parents before heading outside to walk to school.


Meanwhile, Hoseok was equally as excited to go to school, both of them were unsure as to why they were so excited since the only thing that popped to their minds was each other. Which can't be right so they both ignored and carried on as normal. However, Hoseok was so happy that he even woke up earlier than his alarm, surprising both himself and his family when he appeared downstairs for breakfast. 

"Well, you're up early." His brown-haired mother noticed with her eyes wide. 
"I know right." Hoseok laughed, ruffling the top of his little sister's head while walking past her to the door. 

"Hey!" She yelled at him making Hoseok and his mom chuckle. 
"I'm actually not hungry so I'm gonna head to school." He announced, making his mother frown 

"Are you sure, Seokie? You should always eat in the morning." She mentioned

"I'll be fine, mom." He reassured, kissing his mother on the cheek and headed out the door. 

He was shocked to see Namjoon's black, clean car waiting for him outside of his house, since he never picks him up for school. Namjoon, black sunglasses placed in front of his eyes and an unlit cigarette hanging in between his lips,  saw him and smiled, moving his hand in a way to signal Hoseok to get in the car. Which he did. 

After getting inside the car, he immediately spoke

"What are you doing? You never pick me up."

"I know, that's why I'm picking you up!" Namjoon smiled. 

Hoseok looked at him suspiciously, before clearing his throat when he noticed Namjoon's new girlfriend, Choa sitting in the back seat and said "Okay."

Truth was, Namjoon was afraid that he and his childhood best friend were drifting apart from each other. He didn't want to lose his friend, despite how he acted. After all, he was his best friend. Though, he would never say this out loud. 

Namjoon turned on the radio and music softly played and Choa sang the lyrics to the song in perfect tune. Namjoon and Hoseok were both very impressed to say the least. 

"Didn't know you could sing like that, baby." Namjoon winked at her through the rear view mirror making her blush and started to drive to the school. 


The day went as it usually does but when it got to Jimin's last lesson, maths, Jimin remembered who he was seated next to and cursed under his breath, making his friends look over at him.

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