Chapter Nineteen

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AN- I was listening to a bunch of different songs that helped me write this chapter, you don't have to, but if you want listen to Heaven, Suburbia, for him, Youth and Fools by Troye Sivan (basically the whole Blue Neighbourhood album tbh but still) ^-^



This was all that left Hoseok's lips, and all that needed to, honestly. Because as soon as the words have escaped through his lips, Jimin grabbed his hand immediately and led him outside.

"Where are we going?" Hoseok wondered aloud, Jimin just smiled and said, "You'll see."

Jimin had walked them towards a car, which definitely wasn't his, he just stole his mother's.

"This isn't your car, wait, you don't even have a car. Do you even drive? Jimin, where are we going?" Hoseok was beyond confused, and the slight smile that was showing on Jimin's lips irked him.

"Just get in the car, babe." Jimin responded.
Hoseok looked down at the concrete floor that you could hardly see in the darkness of the night, then at the open car door that Jimin had so kindly opened. He looked at Jimin and saw the younger's face, he was basically pleading him to enter the car with his expression.

Hoseok sighed but eventually entered the car, making Jimin grin softly. Jimin closed Hoseok's car door and walked around to enter the driver's seat.

They had been driving for about 10 minutes, the two boys were surrounded by comfortable silence as the radio played Zion. T on the lowest volume it could get before it was completely inaudible.

"We're here." Jimin parked the car on the road next to the woods, they had a strange glow illuminate deep within the trees. Hoseok furrowed his eyebrows, crazy thoughts ran through his head. Is Jimin going to kill me? He knew it was ridiculous but he couldn't stop thinking about it.

Jimin exited the car and once again, opened Hoseok's door for him. If this was a different situation, he would've blushed, but all the thoughts about being murdered kind of stopped it.

Jimin grabbed Hoseok's hand and all of the crazy thoughts ceased to exist, Jimin glanced at him and grinned from ear to ear. He actually came.

With him still holding Hoseok's hand lightly, Jimin slowly dawdled into the woods, Hoseok was trailing behind him. As they strolled deeper into the woods, they could no longer see the road that the car was parked in, and they would be in pitch black if it wasn't for the mysterious radiance.

They had to walk a few more steps until it came into proper view. The mysterious sheen was the light from lanterns that were hung up on branches of a bunch of different trees. This was what he paid his friends to do and they did a fantastic job. Jimin couldn't help but smile as he saw Hoseok's expression; he was beaming in admiration at the view in front of him.

Jimin thought of doing this because Hoseok once said that he'd love to see lanterns in a forest in real life, so Jimin knew it'd be perfect if he actually did this.

"Jimin..." Hoseok breathed out, he was still looking around in wonder.

"I can't believe you actually did this." Hoseok gasped.
"You deserve it, come on, there's more." Jimin spoke excitedly and he pulled Hoseok along with him as he ran further past the seemingly endless array of trees.

Hoseok's mind was bursting, what more could there be?  Hoseok smiled and willingly ran behind Jimin.
They suddenly reached their desired destination, Hoseok's smile widened as he saw the scenery.

They had ran through the words and reached a cliff, there was enough space in between the end of the woods and the end of the cliff to have a wooden bench built in near the edge of the cliff. Jimin squeezed Hoseok's hand and they sat on the bench. Within their line of sight from the bench, you could see the city in all of its glory, even though it was dark, the city was completely alive. You could see the lights that were still on and the lights from the cars that were travelling to wherever they needed to be.

It was breathtaking, they both thought, to see their city like this. The sight gave made them calm as well as feel energetic, it was simply empowering. It felt like time didn't exist and all of their worries were simply lost behind in the city that they were staring at.

However, even though they both knew they had forgiven each other a long time ago, it still needed to be talked about.

"My friends and I used to come here all of the time, we'd just hang out and do homework or whatever we needed to do at the time. When we needed to leave our worries, this would be the first place we would go to." Jimin sighed, still staring at the city, eyes roaming the different buildings and lights.

"I wanted to bring you here because you mean so much to me, just like this place does."
Hoseok looked at him, he saw just how sad Jimin looked.

"I'm so sorry, Hoseok. The kiss truly meant nothing to me, I could stay here and keep repeating the same point over and over but I need you to know that I love you and only you." Jimin blurted out, Hoseok's eyes widened. It was the first time either of them had ever said that they loved each other.

"I love you too much to just let go of you, Jung Hoseok. I'm in love with every inch of y-" Jimin was starting to ramble so Hoseok just giggled and pressed his lips against Jimin's. The latter's reaction was almost immediate, his hand travelled to the back of Hoseok's head to deepen their kiss.

"I love you too, idiot." Hoseok said in between making the two smile into the kiss with a different emotion than the other times. It felt different this time, it felt better, more passionate. Jimin grabbed Hoseok and placed him on his own lap, so Hoseok was straddling him. They were breathlessly making out with desire, Hoseok's hands hungrily travelled down Jimin's torso to the end of his shirt, he started pulling it up when Jimin stopped him.

"Here for our first time? You sure?" Jimin questioned, still in a daze from kiss. Hoseok nodded wildly and placed his lips on Jimin's neck, leaving a trail of kisses up to his earlobe, "As long as it's with you, I don't care where it is." Hoseok's breath hit a sensitive spot behind Jimin's ear, making the boy sigh in content, Hoseok carried on kissing near Jimin's ear, making the latter shiver and start to breathe heavily as the atmosphere around them became hotter, even if it was freezing outside.

Jimin allowed Hoseok to completely remove his shirt and his own, their bodies met with the bitter air, but with the desire and arousal in the air, they could hardly feel it. What they could feel, however, was each other's erratically beating hearts as they met the other's lips in a fiery motion.

"I love you." Jimin repeated, Hoseok nodded and returned the sentence back to the boy. There was no stopping them now, no one that could possibly interrupt them. They were both staring at each other's eyes, seeing it as the last chance to back out. Hoseok looked to Jimin, who only nodded.

They love each other, they were ready, this was it.



HELLO BITCHES (jk love you guys.) btw i'm so not gonna describe the intercourse xD I'm sure you all get the idea of that last part. (YES it haPPENED)
Welp, I guess that's the end of the story... THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR THE SUPPORT AND COMMENTS THROUGHOUT THE STORY I HAD A GREAT TIME WRITING THE STORY AND READING YOUR COMMENTS, THEY MADE MY DAY EVERYTIME. This was my first full story, so I'm really happy that you guys liked it,(or at least, I hope you did xD) Thank you all so much for the reads, votes and list adds and everything you did to support the story!! Honestly, I really didn't think I'd get 1k reads let alone 5k. I love you all ^-^

NEVER FEAR THOUGH, because I might upload an epilogue for this story, so you find out what happens at the end, or I could leave it for you guys to imagine. Tell me what you guys would prefer ^-^
Also, I will be making a new story, but I'm not sure when or who it's going to be about, i'm still deciding on the otp but I have a few ideas :))) But please support that one when it comes out

See you in the next story ;)~

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