Chapter Eighteen

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For the next few days at school, it was completely awkward for everyone, the entire group knew about Jimin and Hoseok now, so they felt bad when talking to one and not another. Good news though, on the same day Jimin and Hoseok separated, Jin and Namjoon became a thing. Namjoon asked him out again, this time actually calling it date when he asked. Jin agreed and then Namjoon took him out to midnight picnic in a field, then Namjoon asked him if he wanted to be his boyfriend after a long speech about his feelings and Jin gladly said yes.

When they told the group, hardly anyone was surprised, they all congratulated them for finally getting together.

Jimin and Hoseok still talked but it was clearly awkward, they tried to make it as comfortable for everyone, but all of their friends knew how strange it'd be for them to talk properly to each other so soon, and his friends understood.
Baekhyun hadn't sat with them at all after the kiss. Making it less tense as opposed to how it would've been if he sat there with them.

However, it was a different day and Jimin was in his house with Jungkook, Amber, Taehyung and Jin, they were all sleeping over to spend time with Jimin.

"Pass the crisps, moron." Amber said to Jungkook who laid next to her on Jimin's floor, he leaned over to grab them for her.

"The things I do for you, Amber." He replied, making Amber smirk.

"Excuse me, can you two stop flirting we're trying to figure how to help Hoseok and Jimin get back together, Jin groaned.

Amber and Jungkook immediately shuffled away from each other but nodded.
"So what's the plan?" Amber asked.

Jimin just shrugged, uninterested. "Jimin! You're supposed to want to do this." Taehyung rolled his eyes.

"I do. But... What if he wants nothing to do with me? After what I did, I doubt that even I'd speak to me, much less give me a second chance." Jimin spoke, his voice filled with sadness and hopelessness.

"That doesn't mean you should give up, Jiminie." Jungkook said, they were all now sat around Jimin in his big double bed.

"Yeah, but it does mean he might now even listen or want to be around me." Jimin frowned, tears soon starting to build up.
"I fucked up so bad, guys." He rubbed his eyes and sighed.

His friends looked at him sympathetically, "We need to think of something." Amber said, the other guys soon nodded.

"When is his showcase tonight?" Taehyung asked.
"At 9:30 p.m." Jimin answered.
"Are you going?" Jin asked.
Jimin once again shrugged his shoulders.

"I have an idea, but I don't know if we'll be able to pull it off today." Jimin mumbled, the sentence making all of his friends gasp and lean in closer.

"What are you thinking?" Amber shrieked excitedly.

Jimin went over his plan to his friends, who kept saying little ooh's and ahh's at the parts that sounded exciting.
"I really need your help with this, guys, try to get Namjoon and Yoongi to help. I need this to go perfectly." His friends nodded, Jimin then assigned different parts of the plan to each person, then went over the plan again to make sure that they definitely knew what they were doing, which they did.

After they finished planning everything, Jimin kicked them out of his house to get everything and to prepare it where they had planned.

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