Chapter Thirteen

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After they found the rest of the group, Namjoon said the exact same thing to them as he did earlier. Needless to say, Jin wasn't impressed. All of the others were still on the fence, but accepted the apology anyway, simply to make things easier between all of them. However, Jin was not having it, he refused to forgive him after all the years of bullying he had put them through. 

"Jin hyung, please, can't you see that he's trying?" Jungkook pleaded. Namjoon kept looking down solemnly after he realised that the person he most wanted to be forgiven by, was the only one that wouldn't forgive him. 

"Jin, can I talk to you privately?" Namjoon asked, Jin noticed the desperation in his eyes and nodded. 
They walked out of the canteen together and into the hall. 

As soon as the two boys left, muttering erupted throughout the group. They were all talking about Namjoon. Jimin, Hoseok and Yoongi all shared a look before Hoseok spoke. 

"Do you think he's going to confess?" He wondered aloud. Yoongi and Jimin's eyes widened. 
"Would he? So soon?" Yoongi questioned. They all shrugged their shoulders at each other. 

"If he does, I'll think he could ruin it." Jimin uttered, then continued, "You guys don't know him like I do. I don't think Jin will react positively to Namjoon's feelings, especially not yet." 

Hoseok sighed, not wanting his best friend to be rejected. "I guess we'll have to find out when they come back." 


 Once Namjoon and Jin strolled into the hallway, Jin suggested that they go into the toilets, since no one could eavesdrop on them. They entered the toilets and Namjoon was the first one to speak.

"Look, Jin. I know you have every right to be mad at me and if you wanted to punch me, I wouldn't blame yo-" He was interrupted by Jin's fist colliding with his jaw, resulting in Namjoon's head being thrown back from the impact. Namjoon immediately brought his hand up to his jaw, rubbing it to numb the pain. 

"Holy balls, Jin!" Namjoon yelled out, looking at Jin incredulously. "I didn't think you'd do it." Jin sighed, "You said you wouldn't blame me. Come here." Jin ripped a paper towel from one of the toilet-paper holders and turned the tap to wet it. 

"What are you doing?" Namjoon asked as he walked closer to Jin. "I'm helping you." He muttered, before placing the wet paper towel on Namjoon's bloodied jaw, making the younger boy wince. Namjoon was subtly freaking out about being that close to Jin as he could feel the latter breathing softly near his neck. He sneakily glanced his gaze over to Seokjin, who was biting his bottom lip in concentration to clean all of the blood. Namjoon breathed deeply, trying to calm his erratically beating heart. He decided to speak to distract himself. 

"Why are being so nice to me, after everything I did?" Namjoon questioned.

"Let's just say that I'm a better person than you are." Jin smiled
"Agreed." Namjoon admitted, that's why I'm in love with you.  

"I still want to say what I was planning on." Namjoon muttered. 

Jin nodded and motioned for him to continue. 

Namjoon started his monologue and explained everything to Jin, basically everything he had said to Yoongi and more. He wanted to be forgiven by Jin so much that he was willing to explain everything he could, but of course he chose to skip the part where he confesses his long-held in feelings for Namjoon. He didn't realise that Jin had already forgiven him halfway through his story. But Jin being Jin, he didn't interrupt him and let him finish. He was happy learning so much about Namjoon anyway. Soon enough, he finally finished, he took a long sigh and leaned back against the wall. Throughout Namjoon's speech they had both sat on the floor and they stayed there 'till he finished. 

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