Chapter Nine

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The day after the boys made up they agreed to hanging out for a while, Hoseok kept sending Jimin selfies and tried to convince Jimin to go out. Jimin finally agreed because he didn't want any more Hoseok selfies, with each picture that was sent to him, his heart would start to palpitate more times than the last. He gave up his stubbornness and agreed and now they were chilling out at a dance studio that Hoseok brought them to.

"I still can't believe you dance, you didn't tell me, we could've practiced together or something!" Jimin pouted while they entered the room filled with mirrors.

"Well, you never asked me so... but we should definitely dance together sometime." Hoseok winked and Jimin almost fell to his knees. My heart, Jimin thought.

After a few minutes of preparation, Hoseok got a stereo out from one of the storage closets and played some music. He looked at Jimin and smiled as he said "Watch me and tell me what you think."

Jimin nodded and focused on Hoseok. Hoseok eventually started moving his body to the rhythm of the music and naturally danced.
Jimin watched in wonderment, his mouth open slightly and eyes wide. He couldn't look away, Hoseok just looked so good. Jimin noticed how Hoseok's face turns serious as soon as he starts dancing, completely different from how Hoseok usually is. Hoseok's body flawlessly swayed and Jimin believed he couldn't get more infatuated with Hoseok if he tried.

As soon as the song stopped, so did Hoseok causing Jimin to immediately rise from his seat on the floor and start clapping and cheering.
He walked up to Hoseok and handed him a bottle of water while saying "Guess who just became your biggest fan!" This caused Hoseok to blush madly but he smiled anyway and took the bottle from Jimin, drinking it vigorously.
"Thank you! What did you think? Should I change some moves?"
"I think it was perfect, why?" Jimin questioned,
"I'm performing this in a competition, I need to be the best I can be."
"Well this is certainly perfect, when's the competition?"
"In like two months... but I need to practice a lot to get it perfect." He said.
"You should take a break, two months is a long time, don't rush or work yourself too hard." Jimin comfortingly placed his hand on Hoseok's shoulder.
Hoseok nodded and drank some more water.

"How would you feel about dancing with me right now?" Hoseok said looking intensely at Jimin.
"Um, well, I'm not really dressed for it." Jimin replied sheepishly, fidgeting with his fingers, truth is, he just didn't want to embarrass himself in front of his crush.
Hoseok looked at his outfit and noticed he was wearing really tight black jeans and a warm jumper, since it's winter. Hoseok also shamelessly noticed how nice tight jeans looked on Jimin, in the least perverse way possible.
Hoseok noticed how awkward he was currently making the younger feel so he backed off.
"Next time then?" Hoseok asked hopefully.
"Yeah, definitely." Jimin was mentally kicking himself for rejecting the offer.
Soon enough, their school was on its holiday break, meaning both boys had a lot of free time to do whatever they wanted until the next year.
Jimin called Hoseok and asked if he wanted to hang out, obviously Hoseok wouldn't pass up the opportunity so he immediately said yes and was on his way there.
Hoseok knocked on their front door and a cheery Mrs Park opened it.
"Hoseok! Hi, dear, how are you?" She greeted
"Hello, Mrs. Park, I'm good, is Jimin around?" Jimin's mum smiled and said "Yes, he is, come in dear, you'll freeze out here!" He grabbed his arm and pulled him into the warm house.
She called him downstairs and Jimin eventually appeared from the dark hallway and made his way downstairs.
Before the two boys could go upstairs Mrs. Park called them into the living room.
"I was about to set up the Christmas Tree, but then I thought that you guys should help." She smiled innocently.
Jimin groaned but agreed anyway, which Hoseok found adorable.
Jimin's mum handed each of the boys a box filled with tree decorations.

Hoseok was already looking at the decorations and wondering how to make the tree look nice, he didn't usually set up the trees, it was always his mother with his little sister, Chaerin.
He grabbed one of the blue baubles and placed it on one of the branches. Jimin followed his lead and started using the same colour scheme: blue and silver.

After an exhausting hour filled with christmas music in the background and laughter, the three had finished decorating the tree.
The boys made their way into Jimin's room and sat down, Jimin in his bed and Hoseok on one of the beanbag seats.
"You know, I've always loved these seats." Hoseok randomly spoke making Jimin chuckle, "So have I, they're really comfy for playing video games on."

Hoseok looked at Jimin and quickly asked, "What games do you have?"
Jimin told him to just look through the drawer and choose one, which Hoseok did.
He entered the disc and picked up two controllers so he could play with Jimin.
"Go easy on me, I suck at this game." Jimin timidly admitted
"So do I."
They both broke out in laughter and Hoseok started setting up a private shooter match. Jimin sat next to Hoseok on the large beanbag seat.
The match started and the boys were searching for each other in the game.
They soon accidentally ran into each other but Jimin had faster reflexes and pressed the button which led to Hoseok's virtual death. The boys both gasped but continued on with the game. As the game went on, Jimin's pride was slowly rising while Hoseok's was doing the exact opposite. The match ended and Jimin rose up from his seat and cheered obnoxiously loudly. Hoseok rolled his eyes and demanded a rematch, his face giving Jimin the dirtiest look he could muster. Jimin noticed and laughed so hard he fell to the ground.
"I finally beat some one!"
"Yeah yeah, let's play the next match." Hoseok had his serious face on as he tried his mightiest to beat Jimin. Jimin was giggling adorably, but Hoseok was intent on focusing so he could beat Jimin so he tried to not be distracted by Jimin.

The match ended with the same results as the previous match. Resulting in the boys having two completely different reactions, Hoseok groaned in annoyance whereas Jimin once again stood up and cheered.
Hoseok tackled the younger on to the floor and started laughing at him because the younger was now helplessly on the ground.
Hoseok then brought out his arm to pull Jimin up but Jimin pulled him down so they were both lying on the floor, Hoseok accidentally fell on top Jimin and the two were silently staring at each other.

"The game sucks." Hoseok groaned. Jimin's cute giggle escaped his lips and Hoseok found himself staring at them. Jimin soon stopped laughing and also stared at Hoseok's lips. They were both hesitating as thoughts ran through their minds wildly. Hoseok was confused, he knew he wanted to do nothing more than bring his own lips upon Jimin's but he was still denying the fact that he could like boys. Meanwhile, Jimin was also wanting to kiss his friend. And that was the problem.
Hoseok was still staring at Jimin as he was filled with anxiety in his stomach, once he met Jimin's eyes he realised that it doesn't matter if he's confused or not as long as he's doing exactly what he wants to do. And what he wanted to do was kiss Jimin. So he did. And he had never liked anything else as much as he liked kissing Jimin.

Jimin was surprised and Hoseok almost panicked, but when he soon felt the younger return the kiss with as much passion as Hoseok had initiated, he was filled with relief. Hoseok was light-headed and full of adrenaline as it dawned on him that he finally kissed the boy he didn't realise he wanted to so bad, and he was kissing back.

oKAY so this is what happens when you listen to Troye Sivan as you're writing, i get all these feels
this was not the way this chapter was supposed to end xD.. oops.

thankyou guys so much for reading, and don't forget to comment ^-^
till the next chapter~

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