Chapter Five

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Half an hour of Hoseok's and Jimin's shared detention had gone past, they'd been doing the work their maths teacher, Mr Kim told them to do before he left. 

Throughout the detention, the boys had started random conversations, some about the work and some about themselves. They were now talking about their favourite movies

"What do you mean you've never seen The Perks of Being a Wallflower?!" Jimin yelled out in surprise at Hoseok who was now looking at him wide-eyed with a smile on his face.

"I don't know, man! What's it even about?" He asked, causing Jimin to roll his eyes at him

"Do you even watch movies, how do you not know of it? Well, it's about this kid called Charlie and he goes into high school with no friends, and he's kind of an awkward outcast with issues at first, but after he makes the coolest friends he gets better, he's just trying to make his way through high school, he literally counts the days until he leaves. It's sad, cute and hilarious at the same time. It's my favourite movie of all time, you have to watch it!" Jimin explained with passion that Hoseok clearly noticed.

Hoseok smiled and nodded "You'll have to invite me over to watch it sometime then." This made Jimin softly blush under Hoseok's gaze. "Okay."

"But what's your favourite movie?" Jimin questioned

"Oh, definitely The Avengers!" Hoseok screeched out without even thinking. Jimin flinched and said, "You do that a lot don't you." 
"Do what?" Hoseok was genuinely confused making Jimin burst out into laughter,
"Never mind." He kept quietly chuckling. 
"But I agree, that is a great movie, Thor's the best avenger, hands down." Jimin spoke causing Hoseok to gasp loudly.

"How dare you?! Black Widow is the best!" Hoseok argued
"What? No, she's not." Jimin laughed
"Then how come she's surrounded by superheroes except for Hawkeye and yet still manages to keep up with them, in fact she even helps them out of their stupid situations. Did you notice how she managed to trick Loki when she was interrogating him?! Only she could've done that. I'm sick of her hardly getting any love." Hoseok pouted which Jimin found incredibly adorable 

"Okay, I see your point." Jimin agreed in defeat. 

"Thank you!" Hoseok laughed.

By this point they had both finished their work and Mr Kim walked back into the room. 
"If you two have finished, you can go home. But Hoseok, I'm serious about the tutoring, if I don't see any change in your grades, I will deal with it myself."

"Yes, sir." Hoseok nodded. 

After they both left the classroom, Hoseok asked if Jimin wanted to hang out, to which Jimin blushed and nodded slowly. 

Hoseok chuckled at him, for some reason, he felt like Jimin was special and he just wanted to spend time with him and to get to know more about him. He ignored the butterflies in his stomach, it's probably just hunger, he thought. 


They walked together to Jimin's house, they both agreed to go watch the movie Jimin was praising earlier. 
As they entered Jimin's cute small house, Jimin's mother poked her head out of the kitchen.
"Jiminie, is that you?" She asked
"Yes, mom." He replied

She quickly noticed Hoseok and immediately flashed a bright smile,

"Oh hello, who's this?" She was quick to ask

"I'm Hoseok, nice to meet you Mrs. Park." Hoseok bowed down respectfully while Mrs. Park smiled and told him not to bother with formalities. 

"So Jimin,  is he your boyfriend?" She wiggled her eyebrows at her confused and embarrassed son. "What? Mom! No! He's just a friend." His entire face had reddened at his mother's words which made her and Hoseok laugh. 

"Whatever. Hoseok, come upstairs." Jimin demanded while running upstairs in embarrassment.
Hoseok's gaze followed the younger boy until he looked at Jimin's mother. She wiggled her eyebrows at him and shouted "Don't have too much fun up there!" as Hoseok was going up the stairs.

Hoseok walked up to the room with the open door and saw Jimin sat on his bed with his head buried in his hands.

Hoseok chuckled at his actions causing Jimin to look up. 
"I don't know why she said that, honestly" Jimin mumbled, his eyes tearing up slightly. Hoseok looked at him in suspicion, he hadn't really thought about whether Jimin liked boys or not, but it would make sense, he thought, because of his reaction right now. Hoseok softly sat next to the boy on the soft warm bed.

"Jimin," he started, Jimin shifted uncomfortably in his seat, "Are you perhaps, not straight?" Hoseok looked at him intensely. He took note of how awkward Jimin looked. 

"Um.." Jimin was shaking with anxiety, if he said yes, he could lose his newly found friend but if he said no, he'd be lying to him. 

Jimin's mouth moved to form words but no sound was coming out, he was terrified and that's when Hoseok knew the answer. 

"I- Yes." Jimin confessed after a long silence between the two. Hoseok stared at him with his mouth slight agape. Noticing his reaction Jimin immediately started crying, fearing what Hoseok's next words would be and whether he'd yell at him or call him ugly names and then leave.

"I'm sorry, p-please don't stop being my friend, I really like t-talking to you. J-just don't hate me." Jimin was hiccuping while his words came out in between small panicked breaths. 

Hoseok didn't want Jimin to continue crying so he attacked the younger boy in a hug, figuring it was what the boy needed. Jimin quickly reacted and wrapped his arms around Hoseok's waist and they stayed there for a while, Jimin had his head laying on Hoseok's shoulder and small gasps came from him as the aftermath of crying hard hit him while Hoseok was leaning against the headboard of the bed. They were both silent until Hoseok whispered in Jimin's ear

"I could never hate you. Don't worry, I'll always be here for you." He kissed the top of Jimin's head and pulled away from the hug to grab the Perks of Being a Wallflower from the bedside table and popped it in the laptop Jimin had just turned on. 

Jimin didn't know how to react to what Hoseok did a few minutes earlier so he just sat there a blushed as he kept re-living the moment. 

Hoseok grabbed a hold of Jimin's shoulders and wrapped his own arms around the younger so that they were laying down together with Jimin's laptop in between them.

"Are you okay?" Hoseok spoke to him softly, Jimin just nodded and shifted closer to Hoseok. 

"Let's watch your favourite movie, shall we then?" Hoseok smiled and pressed play on the laptop. Jimin soon rested his head on Hoseok's firm chest and fell asleep almost immediately. Hoseok noticed the boy's calm breathing so he leaned down and whispered, "Sweet dreams, babe." before carrying on watching the movie. 



Hello guys, I just wanna say thank you all so much for 200 reads! I didn't think it'd even have this many at all let alone with only five crappy chapters. But thank you anyway for the comments and votes, I love seeing the comments so feel free to do it! I'll try to update often for y'all.

Okay that's it so bye till the next chapter ^-^

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