Chapter Twenty One: Loki of Jotunheim

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"Loki, you must not do this...listen to me!"
Sif reached up and cupped the face of her beloved in her hands, forcing him to face her
"Whatever is woven as our destiny, we can face it together-"

"How can we face it together if you are no longer living?"
He rasped, his expression distraught,
"Do not ask me to walk hand in hand with you towards your doom Sif, especially when it is I who am to be the cause of it!"

Karnilla looking on, stoney-faced from her throne, after having delivered the blow which had thrown the lovers into turmoil, spoke again,
"Cause be the saviour.....that is the prophecy-"

"To Hel with the prophecy!" 
Sif broke in angrily,
"We've come this far, we cannot give up on each other now!"

"But your sinister one makes a valid point Lady Sif, you are headed to disaster and if you continue on this path you will meet an untimely end."

"That may be so, but life without him would not be worth living."
Sif declared, indicating towards Loki, who now stood with his head in his hands.

"Ah but you need not suffer that loss, just as he needn't suffer the agony of you losing your life."

At that, Loki slowly raised his head and reluctantly met Karnilla's gaze,
"Go on."

Karnilla rose from her throne, and miraculously produced a bottle seemingly from thin air,
"This potion, contains water from the Vimur enables the one who drinks from it, to forget."

Loki's eyes widened, and he appeared to swallow hard,
"Legend has it, that is the river from which Sigurd drank and forgot his love for Brunhilde, Odin's most famed Valkyrie."

Karnilla smiled,
"The very same."

Sif felt panic rising in her chest, she feared this situation was about to spiral beyond her control. She studied Loki's expression, and could see he was in deep contemplation, which caused a deep stabbing sensation within the cavity of her chest.

"I don't want to forget my love for you Loki...."
She protested, tears suddenly forming in her eyes,
"....without you, my life would be meaningless-"

"As would mine!"
He replied curtly, 
"I have endured torment and heartache for eons, harbouring an unrequited love for you how am I supposed to live without you now that I finally have you as my own?"

Once again he approached the Queen, but this time with his hands outstretched imploringly,
"Please, Karnilla....there must be another way-"

"There is no other way my dark one, and if you truly love your shield maiden then you'll be willing to sacrifice your own happiness in order to save her life."

"You cannot ask this of me!"
He roared, his voice louder than Sif had ever heard.

Fearful that he may lose his temper again with the Norn Queen, Sif darted forwards and placed her hand on his shoulder. He immediately reacted by pulling her into his arms protectively, an act that made her heart want to burst with joy and yet break with sadness.

"You are mistaken Loki.."
Karnilla was saying now,
"...I am not asking you to do anything, I am merely advising you and offering you a solution."

"No one decides my fate for me."
Sif responded before Loki had time to speak.

Karnilla eyed her steadily, then turned back to him, completely dismissing her declaration,
"I shall leave you be in order to think the matter over Loki"

Slipping the ornate bottle into her belt she shot him a long, meaningful look,
"It'll be for your conscience to decide."

Sif felt Loki tense up. His jaw set tight, and she was certain she heard him grinding his teeth in agitation.

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