Chapter Four; The Prisoner's fate

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As Sif made her way along the marble hallway, she was so distracted that she did not become aware of the throng of people gathering outside the great hall until their noise pierced through her thoughts.

Confused, she moved towards them and asked the nearest person what was happening.

"We are awaiting the Allfather's verdict.."
They replied excitedly,
"...and the disgraced prince is yet to leave. We hope to witness his banishment!"

The realisation hit Sif hard. Had she slept long enough to miss an entire day? And more importantly, she had not been present at Loki's trial!
Her stomach turned, as an impending feeling of dread settled over her like a dark cloud.

Just at that moment the doors swung open and chaos ensued.
Guards had to hold back the excitable crowd in order for the entourage who had been present throughout the trial to leave.
Nobles and elder's alike filed out, including Fandral, Volstagg and Hogun.
Frantically Sif called to them.
Upon hearing her cries, Fandral made his way through the crowd to her.

"Where is Thor and Odin?"
She asked without even greeting him,
"Has the Allfather reached a verdict? What of Loki? Has his fate been determined?"

Fandral wore a grim expression that would even rival that of Hogun.
"Sif, Thor remains inside with Odin, Frigga and Balder. They are to discuss a befitting punishment for Loki."

Just then, members of the crowd began to shout;
"He is coming! Here he comes! Make way!"

Sif had to force her way through so she was able to get a better view. Three figures left the room, two of which were heavily armed guards, walking on either side of Loki.
She gasped openly, unable to suppress her disapproval. His hands were bound in chains, a further one was attached to a neck-collar, and a metal contraption was clamped across his mouth like a muzzle.
His bruises and scars were more visible in the light of day, and though he walked with his head held high in defiance, his eyes betrayed him once again; they were fixed firmly on the ground in shame.

"This is not right."
Sif said to Fandral as he at last made it to her side.
"He should not be paraded around in chains like an animal whilst these people shout abuse. He is still a prince of Asgard, and this is supposed to be a sentencing not a freak show."

Fandral frowned and she could tell that he did not share her opinion,
"Sif, he has fallen from grace in a spectacular manner. He deserves no sympathy, especially from us. How can you dismiss his crimes against us so easily? We were his friends! Never mind the crimes he's committed against our realm and Midgard!"

Sif shook her head,
"I do not dismiss his crimes Fandral, but what about our crimes against him?"
She turned to face him, hand on hip,
"We were never really his 'friends' were we? We were Thor's friends, and Loki was merely tolerated by us at best but never truly accepted."

Fandral looked perplexed,
"That is not entirely true Sif.....he would join in our conversations and banter occasionally."

"Regardless of that and regardless of what he has done, he is still a prince and he's being treated like a-"

Fandral raised his voice in anger,
"Why the sudden change of heart? Only the other day you yourself spoke of the contempt you felt for him, so what is this?"

The level of the noise from the jeering crowd escalated as Loki was led by.
Sif had seen enough..

"Stop it!"
She shouted angrily, and began forcing her way through them once more,
"Why can't you just leave him be?!"

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