Chapter Fourteen; Praying

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As Sif sat alone in the gardens, hot tears of regret and heartbreak staining her cheeks, she was suddenly aware of the sound of guards shouting within the palace. Their heavy footsteps thundering in unison along the hallways was enough to distract her from her state of self-pity.

Wearily she rose to her feet and headed back inside, curious as to what all the sudden noise and activity warranted.
Confused at the level of apparent urgency; guards rushed around her with swords drawn as if preparing for an invasion, she began searching frantically for someone who could explain the cause of the sudden commotion.

She hurriedly turned a corner and fortunately caught sight of Thor's red cape and blonde hair up ahead.
The hallways were teeming now with guards along with members of the Aesir who had previously been assembled in the Great Hall.

Calling out to the Thunder God, she fought her way along the bustling corridor.
Thor acknowledged her with a nod of the head, but did not speak or stop. His expression was grim indeed.
Sif managed to catch up with him, but had to keep up with his quick, purposeful strides,
"Thor, what is happening? Are we under attack?!"

Thor took a deep breath, and shook his head gravely,
"No, but please do not worry yourself Sif..,,this matter does not concern you."

Sif frowned, instantly affronted. Why would he say such a thing?
She was about to demand answers when he turned to her abruptly, eyes pleading,
"Please, you must remain here whilst I attend to this, there isn't time to explain further and if you.."
He fell silent, as though trying to choose his next words carefully.
After an agonizing pause, he finally completed his sentence,
"..if Loki at all, then you must remain here and let me attend to the situation-"

Sif cried, her voice sounding so shrill she barely recognized it as her own,
"What of Loki? Thor, what has happened?!"

"Do you care for him at all, or not?!"
Thor suddenly bellowed, startling her into silence and causing panic to stir within her gut.

Was that a trick question? Why would he be seeking some form of confession from her right now? Clearly something had happened. Thankfully, Thor wasn't actually awaiting her response at all,

"If you truly have his best interests at heart, then you need to let me get on!"
He continued firmly, then without another word he quickened his pace further and marched purposefully away, leaving her bewildered.


Her heart was hammering and her chest was tight, causing her to struggle for ragged gasps of air by the time she reached the derelict rainbow bridge.
She hadn't paused for thought or breath since leaving the palace once she'd realised the only person who could provide her with satisfactory answers was Heimdall, she'd raced as fast as her legs would allow. Which had been a challenge for her weak, undernourished body.

The Gate Keeper stood facing away from her, but obviously sensed her approaching. His dulcet tones rumbling to her ears before she'd uttered a word,
"I warned you did I not Lady Sif?"

Gasping for a proper intake of breath, Sif halted in her tracks.

Slowly Heimdall turned around to face her; his expression was dark but he appeared more concerned than angry, which provided her a little light relief.
She wasn't sure she possessed the patience at present to endure more interrogation from him, however well intended.

"H-Heimdall, I seek an explanation that is all.."
Her breathing was still heavy, hampering her ability to speak.

Heimdall stared intensely at her, his heavy brow furrowing further still,
"That may be so my Lady....but once I provide you with the answers you seek, you will be sure to stray further down this destructive path."

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