Chapter Eight; Heimdall's Revelations

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Looking down at the waves crashing below the rainbow bridge, Sif made her way to the lone figure which stood statue-like at the now ragged end of the shattered Bifrost.
Heimdall, gatekeeper of the nine realms and guardian of Asgard, had requested her presence.

As she approached she proffered a smile, but it was not returned. This did not faze her, as his surly attitude was well known throughout Asgard, rivalling only that of Hogun the grim.
"You wish to speak with me, Heimdall?"

There was a pause before he acknowledged her, his amber eyes studying her face closely.
"You are deeply troubled Lady Sif.."
His deep voice rumbled, it was not a question, he spoke as though stating a fact.

Sif hesitated, wondering how to respond. There was no way of lying to him, his powers of perception were as great as the Allfather's himself.
"I have been experiencing some difficulty sleeping, though I'm sure it will pass."
She answered as breezily as she could.

"And in your waking hours, you are troubled not deny it, for it is the truth. You have also lost weight, you are not eating as you should."

Sif shifted nervously, the realisation that Heimdall may have seen many other things struck her with a feeling of dread.

"Would you deny, that your restlessness coincides with the return of the silver-tongued one?"
He rumbled, his expression darkening further still.

Sif swallowed hard, painfully aware of the hot flush that swept across her face. She was also struck by the strange, fluttering sensation within her chest that was suddenly  present just by the mentioning of the troubled younger prince.
She tried her hardest to look impassive, but Heimdall could not only sense her tension...he knew all.

"I, well.."
She struggled to find a non-committal response,
"I'm sure the return of Loki has caused many to be restless."
She managed eventually.

"That is true.."
He said, eyeing her steadily,
"....but no other has been as greatly unsettled. Why does it grieve you so?"

She attempted to shrug off the suggestion that it did cause her any such grief, but the gatekeeper was not to be fooled, raising his voice slightly he challenged her,
"Is it not so, that upon having learnt of the sly one's arrival, you intentionally sought him out, thus  disobeying our king's strictest command? You further incriminated yourself by conversing with him alone in a private, concealed cell, and since then you have been unable to put him from your mind. Do you deny this?"

Flinching physically at hearing the words spoken aloud, Sif tried to speak but he continued, voice growing sterner,
"And if you are honest you will also admit that the arrival of the Goddess Sigyn has caused you further anxiety-"

"She is of the Vanir, which makes her no Goddess of Asgard!"
The words slipped from her lips as though spoken by someone else. She instantly realised how her words had implicated her.

Heimdall stared at her in shock, shaking his head slowly now, displaying his blatant disapproval,
"It is clear by the blatant lack of respect you portray, that you feel contempt for her...and this, I am to believe is due to your new found feelings for the giant's offspring!"

That only made Sif's cheeks flame hotter still, partly due to the guilt and shame that overwhelmed her, but also she couldn't help but feel anger at hearing Loki labelled as such a thing.
"My Lord.."
She croaked, eyes fixed on the curved arc of the bridge, desperately avoiding contact with his own,
"....I meant no disrespect and might I add in my defence that it was I myself who gave Odin the idea to find Loki a bride."

Heimdall shifted slightly, which drew her eyes back to him momentarily,
"But that was not your not attempt to deceive me. It is perhaps time you ceased attempting to deceive yourself.."
Regarding her with what Sif believed to be a look of disgust he added darkly,
"You desire him!"

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