Chapter Seven; History Repeating itself

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It was a beautiful night, the moon was full; bathing the lawn in its pale lunar glow.
It was warm and the air was filled with the scent of night-blooming jasmine. The slight breeze cooled Sif's burning face. Blocking out the sounds from the great hall which rang out into the night air, shattering the silence of the gardens, she began to stroll along the path.

Her heart felt heavy and it troubled her to know that the cause lay with Loki's betrothal. She had forced it to the back of her mind but now it had become much more real. His intended bride was here now at the palace. How long would it be until the marriage actually took place?
"They are strangers, how can they be expected to marry?!"
She muttered to herself under her breath, her hands clenching into fists at the over bearing frustration that racked her.

Just then she got the distinct feeling that she was not alone. As though someone was watching her. Self consciously, she turned slowly. There was no one behind her. Glancing back towards the palace her gaze fell upon the dark figure which loomed on the steps beyond the lawn, half hidden in the shadows.
The slight glint of gold metal in the moonlight, enabled Sif to make out the shape of a horned helmet.

Conflicting emotions rose up yet again within her. Was he following her?
If so, why?. She did not trust him, he had not earned the nicknames 'sly one' and 'trickster' for nothing...though at the same time she felt slightly proud of the way she had sensed his proximity this time.
She summoned the strength to turn away, desperately trying to ignore the quickening of her pulse. She would not give him the satisfaction of having him think that she was ruffled by his presence. She could barely resist the urge to glance back, as she slowly continued down the pathway. She realised at that moment she was heading in the direction of the orchard, and from the corner of her eye she caught sight of him heading her way.

She reached the trees, their luscious branches forming a dense canopy above her, that blocked out the light. Despite his impending presence, the sudden sound of his smooth voice in the darkness startled her nonetheless.

"What troubles you, warrior princess?"
His tall, familiar form appeared from behind a nearby tree.

Sif could not bite back a small laugh,
"Warrior yes...princess I am not!"

As an attempt to appear relaxed, she leant back against a tree. Loki wandered closer, smiling wolfishly at her,
"Not yet maybe, but in time.."
His words trailed off.

"What is it you want from me Loki?"
She asked somewhat abruptly,
"If you mean to torment me further-"

A sharp burst of laughter silenced her mid-sentence. She stared at him incredulously, he registered her expression and ceased laughing.
"Torment?...How little you know of what torment truly is..."
He looked at her face, and she shifted slightly under the gaze of his green orbs,
"....but I merely asked you a simple question..which you have not yet answered."

Swallowing hard Sif lowered her head and stared down at the ground. The air in the space between them seemed to have thickened somehow. The now familiar feeling of unease swept over her once again.
"I, I am fine..nothing troubles me. You are mistaken Loki."

Doing nothing to hide his scepticism, he raised a pointed eyebrow,
"Am I?"

In a desperate bid to divert his attention, Sif forced a smile and shot back at him,
"What troubles you, shape-shifter?"

"Ahh, now, shape-shifter I am not.."
He pointed out,
" least, not any longer."
He added sadly, a melancholy expression on his handsome face.

Much to her relief though, he smiled when she retorted;
"Not yet....but maybe again, in time."

Their eyes met and this time she allowed herself to hold his gaze. And there it was again, the deafening sound of her own heart beating so loud in her ears. She felt sure he must be able to hear it also.
Powerless or not, Sif could not deny she sensed something like an invisible, magnetic force pulling her toward him.
But magic was not responsible, he was no longer capable of casting hexes and spells.

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