Chapter Nineteen: No More Lies

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The first coherent thought that entered into Sif's head the following morning, was that she'd had the most delectable dream...

Blinking as she opened her eyes; the rays of sunlight streamed in through the window, immediately proving that the previous night hadn't been a dream at all.
However this realisation brought instant confusion; she could not help noticing how she now seemed to have more space in the narrow bed.

Sitting up with a jolt, her eyes scanned the room for Loki but there was no sign of him....or his clothing.

A whole myriad of emotions instantly erupted inside of her; rising panic, concern, followed by humiliation.....had she been abandoned now that he'd had his wicked way with her!?
The very idea made her stomach drop like a lead weight and her cheeks blaze and sting as if they'd been slapped.

Just then she heard approaching footfalls outside the hut, causing her such immense relief when the door swung open, she was overcome with the urge to laugh out loud.

Framed in the doorway, Loki seemed to hesitate momentarily as though shocked. His eyes appeared wide, much like a startled animal.
"Aaah..Good morning..."
He mumbled, sounding as awkward as he looked,
"...I ummm...went in search of food to break fast"

It was then Sif took in the salmon he was clutching, along with a fishing net fashioned out of linen twine.

"That is a welcome sight.."
She exclaimed, smiling nervously,
"...though not as much as you yourself are, I feared the worst when I awoke alone."

Closing the door behind him and setting his catch down on the bench, Loki eyed her steadily,
"The feeling is mutual I assure you. I keep expecting to discover I'm dreaming."

This proclamation pleased Sif, and she seized the opportunity to dispel any awkwardness and tension between them.

"How about now?.."
Smiling mischievously, she dropped the bed sheet she'd been clutching; exposing her nude form once more,
" you still think you are dreaming?"

Loki's eyes bulged as they roved over her naked body,
"I must be..."
He retorted, a crooked smile tugging at the corners of his scarred lips,
"....and I hope I don't ever wake up."

In an instant he'd crossed the room and pulled her in to his arms.
"This is too good to be true."
He whispered playfully, between feverish kisses.

And Sif couldn't help but agree, as he eagerly set about removing his armour once more; and she was more than happy to assist him.


Afterwards Sif lay panting but smiling in his strong arms, his long, lithe legs entwined with hers once more. Resting her head against his smooth chest; both of which were slightly dampened by fresh sweat, she could hear his heart beat beginning to slow back to its regular pace.

"I still can't believe this..."
She mused,
"...I thought I'd lost any chance of this happening"

Loki grinned, his green eyes gleaming,
"This could have happened much sooner if you hadn't raced from my chambers that first night. I was already naked, yet you never even attempted to take advantage of the situation"

Laughing she slapped his hand playfully,
"So you were trying to seduce me?"

"Perhaps a little..."
He chuckled heartily,
"...although I hoped you might surrender to me willingly rather than me having to resort to temptation tactics."

Sif shifted position in order to look up at his face.
"Hmmm...You resorted to jealousy tactics instead."
She exclaimed.

"To some extent.."
He responded quietly. His porcelain complexion colouring slightly and he purposefully avoided eye contact.

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