Chapter Nine; The Confession

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As hard as she tried to dispel all thoughts of him, Sif found the night most difficult of all.
She, like anyone else, had no control over her dreams, and much to her dismay, Loki was an ever present force in them.
His face continued to haunt her, sometimes oppressive with his lips curled in a malicious, menacing sneer, and at other times appearing more heavenly than her heart could bear.

She dreamed of him in the orchard, his pale face bathed in the starlight. Then of him on horseback, looking regal and handsome.
But the most disturbing of all, was of him bathing. Looking almost statuesque with his wet hair and the water glistening on his exposed flesh in the firelight.
She often woke with a start, drenched in sweat, heart thudding heavily in her chest.

During her waking hours, she tried her hardest to remain focused on other things.
She spent hours at the training grounds, focusing intently on sparring. Her companions, though glad to see her returning to her usual activities, were aware of an underlying silent force which seemed to be driving her.
Hogun particularly, who although sullen was undeniably wise and perceptive, was mindful not to mention Loki or his intended bride. Whenever it came up in conversation, he carefully and quickly steered the subject in a different direction.

It helped, Sif found, knowing that Loki had lied to her about whatever spell he must have cast upon her.
Like years ago, after the hair-cutting incident, she was filled with indignation, which made her resentful of him. She clung on to his resentment, using it as a means to an end.

But then something else happened, which caused her to completely lose what little control of her emotions she had left.
Loki began making appearances in public with Sigyn.
The first time, was during an evening banquet. Thor, Balder and the warriors three had returned from a long day's hunting and the residents of the palace were feasting in the great hall. Everyone was in high spirits and Frigga was present although Odin was not, which was not unusual as he often preferred the solace of his throne room.

Sif was laughing heartily at Volstagg and Balder's bantering.
Loki's continued absence had lulled her into a false sense of security. She'd finally been able to relax and almost fool herself into thinking that things were returning to their normal order.
Then all at once; he was there...

She caught sight of the unmistakable horns first, then the swirl of green and gold. For a moment she felt sure her heart actually stopped, then her stomach dropped as she noticed the petite, willowy figure in the doorway behind him.
Frigga made a tremendous fuss; standing to greet her adoptive son. He kissed her tenderly on the cheek, then turned and gestured for Sigyn to join him.

Sif watched with her insides churning, as the pretty Goddess sashayed over, her loose chestnut curls framing her neat features.
Frigga smiled and embraced her warmly as she had Loki, then the three of them sat and began talking as though Sigyn had been a part of the family since the dawn of time.

Try as she might, Sif could not tear her eyes away from the pair. Her mind whirled with the suspicion that perhaps behind closed doors, Loki had been spending a great deal of time with the Vanaheim beauty. Though she found herself hoping she was merely imagining it, she reasoned with herself.
Yet as she looked on, it was clear for all present to see their familiarity. The affectionate looks that passed between them, the closeness of their proximity and the way they whispered into each other's ears and laughed intimately.

Although trying to ignore the display and attempting to divert her attention, her eyes kept sliding across in their direction. Distractedly pushing the food around her plate, because although delicious, it had suddenly lost all taste to her. Her appetite had vanished along with her previous good humour.
Then when Loki reached out to gently push a stray curl behind Sigyn's delicate ear, she had to resist the urge to throw her knife at him. Or her.
Either would have sufficed in that moment.
She could take no more at the point, and hurriedly excused herself, mumbling something to the bewildered Balder about having a headache.

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