Chapter Sixteen; Forbidden Temptation

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Sif's mind was reeling more than ever as she and the troubled Prince carefully picked their way across the terrain of Vanaheim.

There were many things she longed to ask him, but in spite of her growing curiosity and need for answers she somehow managed to remain patient...for the time being.

The silence between them made her feel awkward to say the least, but Loki appeared to be nonchalant and lost in his own thoughts.
The only time he spoke was to voice his opinion on her inappropriate attire, specifically her footwear. Sif responded accordingly by shooting him a fierce glare and reminded him that her clothing had been intended for a wedding, not an impromptu expedition across an unfamiliar realm.
Wisely, Loki did not pass any further comment.

After crossing numerous meadows they headed towards some nearby wood land as the light was beginning to fade.

Sif questioned Loki's judgement and challenged his decision on setting up camp in the woods,
"Surely there will be wolves.....would it not be wiser to remain out in the open?"

Loki waved his hand in a dismissive gesture,
"I feel safer when surrounded by the trees, in the open you're exposed and vulnerable....there's nowhere to run and no place to hide...."

Sif could understand the logic in his reasoning, but then he added with a crooked smile,
"..and why should I fear wolves? You're aware of the legends. Am I not father to one?!"

She stopped abruptly at this whilst Loki continued, chuckling heartily as though thoroughly amused by her reaction.

They headed deep into the woods, much to Sif's dismay. Her lack of armour made the situation worse; her bare arms were scratched by stray branches, her gown repeatedly got caught up; snagging on gorse bushes and thorns and her feet were stung by nettles and prickled by sharp twigs.

Upon entering a clearing Loki halted at last. He peered around, his emerald orbs scanning the area intently.
"This will have to do.."
He proclaimed,
" much as I have no wish for a dew bed, we have little choice. We've gone as far as we can today, so we must rest here."

Being tired and sore, Sif no longer had any patience and felt the need to vent her frustration on him,
"But you'd rather a dew bed than a marital bed."
She quipped scathingly,

Loki, who had already begun busying himself with the task of gathering up wood in order to make a fire, replied curtly,
"Sleeping out in the elements is just as cold as sharing a bed with someone whom you do not wish to. And marriage is for life.....I have no desire to spend the next few hundred years out in the cold, whether that be a forest or a bedchamber."
With that he dumped the few branches he'd collected and wandered off into the trees.

Sitting down on a nearby felled tree trunk, Sif pondered over the Trickster's words.
He clearly felt strongly about not wanting to marry Sigyn. Which confused her because after all, this was Loki. Was he even capable of such an emotion as love?
Heimdall claimed that he wasn't, and that he had a heart of stone. There was no way she could make any sense of it all.
She felt almost regretful for scorning Loki, perhaps it was possible to have misjudged him once again. But how would she ever know? His thoughts and feelings were kept hidden, so how would she ever discover the truth?

Returning with armfuls of fallen branches from a grove of stunted oaks, he now set about making a fire. Kneeling, he began ferociously rubbing two sticks together in order to kindle a flame. He did this with such vigour she began to fear he might dislocate a shoulder.
Even on his knees in the dirt he cut a dashing figure, and the fact that he was still in full regalia, save for his helm, made the scene all the more surreal.

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