Chapter Twelve; Sharing The Secret

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Under normal circumstances the inane giggling and chatter that filled the room would not bother Sif so much. But these were not normal circumstances.

She was surrounded by smiling maids, combing and pulling at her hair; twisting it, pinning it up only to release it and begin all over again. Her head ached from it.
An overly jovial dress maker was busily pulling at the swathes of pink satin cloth that she had been stuffed into. It had taken well over an hour to adjust the length and now the bodice was being laced up so tightly that Sif could barely draw breath.

Across the room, the blushing bride-to-be, or rather, gushing bride-to-be, stood twirling in front of a long mirror, excessively excitable whilst the servants and other dress maker beamed with delight, fawning over her and proclaimed how beautiful she looked.
Sif surveyed the petite woman scornfully. The soft pink material did not look out of place on her as it did on herself. The colour did not clash with her hair as it did with her own. The style also complimented Sigyn's small frame...this same style on Sif made her feel much too tall and wide.
The dress clung awkwardly to her curvaceous hips, and the square neckline cut into her ample bosom.
It had already been adjusted twice, previously it had squashed her chest flat but now her cleavage spilled out over the top, giving her the appearance of a common harlot.

At first Sif had reasoned with herself that she was a warrior, not a typical maiden who liked to be dressed up in elaborate gowns of silk and lace. And comparing herself to Sigyn as a woman would normally not cause her any resentment or jealousy. Normally she rejoiced in the fact that she had curves and long, athletic legs, whilst in comparison Sigyn was short and slight with narrow hips and a much flatter chest.
Yet now she found herself envying her.

Her thoughts were shattered by a sudden commotion in the room, a muffled voice rang out from the hallway, causing Sigyn to scurry out through a side door followed by a few maids, all giggling as they went.
Sif turned and was startled to see Loki striding purposefully through the main door, pursued by a protesting Frigga.

"You cannot enter here Loki, there are ladies who may be in a state of undress!"
She scolded.

Loki rolled his eyes at his mother,
"Which is precisely why I knocked and announced my intention to enter before I came in."

He strode across the room, eyes scanning it before they eventually rested on her. His deadpan expression gave nothing away as he studied the dress she was wearing closely, making Sif extremely uncomfortable.

"Loki, may I remind you that it is the accustomed practice for the bridal gown not to be seen by the intended husband until the union takes place!"
Frigga pointed out.

Loki indicated towards Sif, a look of distaste now present on his handsome features,
"Surely this is not the same gown that is to be worn by the bride?"
He said, aghast,

The dress maker hurried forward, bowing benevolently,
"Sire, the Lady Sigyn chose this style of gown...but I assure you it looks most becoming on her."
The implication of his well meant words, stung, and Sif had to take a sharp intake of breath to quell her indignation.

It was made worse by Loki's intense gaze, she could feel his emerald eyes scrutinizing her.

Just then Thor appeared in the doorway, having followed Frigga along the hallway.
"Loki, what is the meaning of such an intrusion?"
He demanded.

Before Loki could respond, the side door opened and Sigyn came in now wearing a robe. If she was angry, she certainly did not show it. Her eyes practically lit-up when she saw her beloved.
Sif, who had thought she was now immune to his charms, was not as complacent as Sigyn. But when Loki fired the most dazzlingly charming smile across the room and straight into her eyes it disarmed her completely.

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