Chapter Fifteen; A Secret Gateway

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Sif continued on her way across the Bifrost, not sure exactly where to go or what to do next.

She dawdled back into the town, heading towards the Palace, though she was in no great rush to return. She imagined Balder and Fandral gossiping about Loki's latest stunt, and they'd no doubt be gloating about having been right about his inability to behave.

In the Town Square crowds of people who had gathered earlier to join in the festivities to celebrate the younger Prince's marriage, were now loitering around. They too were  gossiping furiously amongst themselves, and curiously looking-on as Palace Guards rushed back and forth through the streets.
She felt flustered as she passed by and they turned to stare at her. She was still wearing her formal gown which made her feel extremely self-conscious.

Her attention was however distracted when she noticed, much to her alarm, six very distinctive looking warriors enter the Square through the Eastern archway. These were no ordinary warriors or guards; all in Asgard knew these legendary soldiers as the Einherjar, Odin's personal army, comprised of the most elite fighters who were once dead. The winged warrior maidens known as the Valkyries were responsible for selecting each of them and transporting their souls to Valhalla, where Odin bestowed upon them the honour of resurrection and immortality in the Realm Eternal.

She tried to avert her eyes, but it was difficult not to stare at their battle-scarred appearance; their armour was indeed as worn and beaten up as their bodies. Some were missing hands, others eyes and even arms. Their presence was as oppressive as it was ghastly.

Swiftly she hurried on, stomach contorting with fear. But not for herself....for Loki.
Those ghouls, though loyal to the Allfather, exuded a blood-lust that made the hair on the back of her neck prickle.
With no powers, Loki stood little chance against this formidable brood...with or without Sigyn and whatever potential 'powers' she may or may not have, they would be ridiculously out-numbered and would not succeed in combat against them.

Then out of nowhere she heard a male voice, though barely audible it seemed so close to hear ear that it startled her, causing her to physically jump.
She glanced over her shoulder, obviously no one was in close proximity, but it came again and this time louder. She halted abruptly, though it seemed no more than a distant whisper, yet it still carried above the chattering and footsteps in the Square;

" must go to the West side of the Party Hall, around the back, be sure you're not followed...wait for me there!"

Spinning around, her breath caught in her throat. The voice was unmistakably Loki's. He had heard her plea, and he had answered.

Without hesitation she tore her way through the town centre, towards the Palace and in the direction of Thor's own private Hall, Bilskirnir.

As Odin's own Hall, Valhalla, stood within the vast Palace grounds to the North, Bilskirnir had been built to the South. Whilst Valhalla had once housed the Valkyries and Einherjar alike; though in separate wings, Thor chose to use his Hall as a venue for feasting and celebrating battle victories. Loki had often teased him for not taking up residence in the glorious building and had taken to referring to it merely as 'Party Hall' just to irritate the Thunderer.

Nervously she slipped around the corner of the building, peering back one last time to be certain no one had followed her.
Unable to stand still due to nervous anxiety, she paced back and forth, cursing the dainty sandals she was wearing for making her feet sore and longing for her boots after all the running she had done.

Time passed, the moments feeling like hours.

Somewhere overhead a raven let out a screech, startling her, so she cursed that too. And then she cursed herself for being reduced to such a nervous, quivering wreck.

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