Chapter Five; Odin's Terms

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As Sif had predicted, her actions were frowned upon by every citizen in the realm, or so it seemed. Word of her speaking out in favour of the 'Father of Lies' as Loki had now been dubbed, spread through the kingdom like wild fire. She now feared that she was loathed almost as much as he himself was.

The gossip-mongers seemed to be thriving from her downfall, adding fuel to the fire by speculating on what had driven Asgard's only Lady warrior to turn against her fellow Aesir in such a way.
"She has been bewitched by the wicked Loki!"
That was one of the kinder rumours, as opposed to;
"She is a witch herself and has been in league with him all along!"
Unfortunately for her however, it was this latter view that was favoured by the majority.

Three days had passed since Sif's audience with Odin. She had heard no further news regarding Loki's fate. She longed to ask Thor but did not wish to anger him further.
The situation had indeed created much unease within the house of Odin. Thor appeared to be avoiding her altogether, whereas Balder acted very cagey whenever in her presence.

She began to question her sense of reason again, for surely Thor loved his brother unconditionally? As kin should. So how great an impact had Loki's actions had in order to drive Thor to all but disown him?

Thankfully she found some comfort from Hogun, though grim he was undeniably wise.
"It is the mortal.."
He claimed,
"Thor feels deeply for her, and this is why he now loathes Loki so...He invaded her realm. The realm Thor had sworn an oath to protect."

Volstagg also treated Sif kindly, much to her relief. His light-hearted attitude helped cheer her, and listening to his stories and banter kept her mind occupied.
Fandral was as painfully honest and open as always,
"I still cannot understand what you were thinking!"
He mused, for what seemed like the hundredth time,
"Loki..of all people! How is it possible for you to feel compassion for one such as he?!"

And for the hundredth time, Sif chose to ignore him. She could think of nothing to say in her own defence. How could she possibly begin to explain her actions to others, when she didn't even understand them herself?

Still, however awkward the atmosphere was within the palace....things were about to get worse.


That evening as everyone gathered in the banqueting hall, laughter rang out around the table as Volstagg animatedly retold one of his more infamous tales.
Voices suddenly lowered to hushed tones. Sif looked up from the feast of sweet meats, bread and fruit that was piled high upon silver platters, suddenly aware of the silence that had descended.

She caught Hogun's eye, and sensed from his reaction that she ought to look behind her. He didn't have to speak a word, his expression said it all.
Slowly she glanced over her shoulder, and just as she feared...there he was.
Framed in the doorway, arms folded across his chest and his green eyes surveying the merry scene before him.

Frigga exclaimed from the head of the table.
Odin sat silently at her side, his expression stoic. She rose from her chair and gestured to the table,
"Come join us my son, please eat."

The whispering around the table grew more frantic, and Sif almost felt nervous for Loki. Which was ironic as she could never imagine he himself suffering with an attack of nerves.

At last he spoke; his voice quiet and as articulate as always,
"Thank you no, I am eager to return to my chambers and change my attire before sitting down to dine."

Frigga nodded and smiled gently at him, the fondness in her eyes clear for everyone to see. It was very touching.
And with that Loki excused himself and was gone as quickly and silently as he'd appeared.
The chattering seemed to errupt instantly the moment he left the room. Sif noticed Hogun looking at her quizzically.

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