Chapter Twenty Two: Find me in the future

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The sound of the chamber doors being flung open with excessive force jolted Sif abruptly from her sleep.
Confused and startled, it took her a moment to register what was happening.
Karnilla had burst into the room, accompanied by her minion hag, who loitered in the doorway whilst Karnilla marched over towards the bed, her expression gravely serious.

"Wake up Loki!"
She shrieked, sounding remarkably like a banshee.

Loki stirred, he was lying on his front in the bed beside Sif, and his skin still bore a noticeably blue hue.
This was a stark reminder of the previous nights shenanigans, and her face coloured slightly as she recalled the way in which he had succumbed to her brazen advances, in his frost giant form.

"Karnilla, are you deliberately trying to perforate my eardrums?"
He mumbled, his voice filled with indignation,
"And what is the meaning of such an intrusion?"

"I might well ask you, sinister one, what is the meaning of this?"
Karnilla shot back at him, gesturing to the pair of them,

"I'm no innocent, I was expecting the pair of you to be making the two-backed beast last night, so I'm not entirely shocked..."
She ranted, barely pausing for breath, before continuing her tirade,
"....but what has shocked me, is to see you in your native form sly one...Please tell me you didn't engage in coitus like that?"

To both Karnilla and Sif's astonishment, Loki began to laugh. For a brief moment Sif found herself wishing she had powers of her own, in order to make herself invisible.

"So what of it?"
Loki was demanding now, his trademark impish grin firmly in place,
"You really ought not to pry into other people's personal affairs Karnilla."

Karnilla sighed with exasperation,
"What in the name of Valhalla possessed thee to do such a thing? What a peculiar kink your shield maiden must have, lusting to mate with a son of Jotunheim-"

"I beg you please, no more!" 
Sif broke in, her embarrassment soaring to new heights.

The fact was, as much as it disturbed her to admit it, she had found Loki's frost giant form inexplicably attractive. She'd been driven on by wanting to prove to him that she did not find him repulsive, and the fact that he'd never been intimate with another this way, had somehow made her feel privileged. She'd finally felt completely close to him, on more than just a physical level. He had allowed his guard to come down, he'd exposed a side of him that he'd never have dared show before, and this had strengthened the bond between them even further.

She wouldn't allow Karnilla to make a mockery of their actions.

"You may taunt all you like, your highness....but we shared a deep connection-"

"Indeed, and I find that deeply alarming!"
Karnilla cut in.

"Listen, what exactly are you implying devil woman?"
Loki suddenly piped up gruffly, his dark brows beetling together in bewilderment.
"Is it so incredulous that the lady Sif should find me desirable in the form that nature intended?"

"Be silent you fool!" 
Karnilla retorted sharply,
"This goes far beyond that. Your careless actions could have disastrous consequences, of which you may have sealed your fate!"

"What consequences? Enough with the riddles Karnilla!"
Snapped Sif, she was growing weary of cryptic prophecies.

Raising her arm, Karnilla pointed a bony finger at Loki,
"Whilst in your native form, your seed becomes far more potent!"
She blurted out, her blunt proclamation rendering both Loki and Sif immediately silent.
"There's a strong possibility you could've impregnated your warrior princess, which could put her life at risk because her body temperature will not be able to sustain a normal level due to carrying Jotnar offspring."

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