Chapter Eighteen; Crossing the Line

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Sif could barely bring herself to open her eyes. She had slumped onto the floor, shaking as she sobbed uncontrollably whilst the two guards still gripped her by the shoulders.

She dared to steal a quick glance in the direction of the other assailants and saw them disperse leaving Loki's limp form lying on the stone floor.
Wiping the tears from her eyes she called out to him in desperation, and much to her relief he stirred.

But just then there came a rumble of thunder and a flash of light illuminated the entire room; temporarily blinding all.
Blinking rapidly She could just about make out a large, red cloaked figure now present in the centre of the hall.
Her heart soared at the wonderful sight. It was Thor. He had come to their aid.

The guards were clearly panic stricken and whilst some hurried to position themselves around the King in order to protect him, others approached the mighty Thunder God, albeit cautiously and with good reason. His expression was ferocious.

"Stand back if you value your lives!"
He bellowed, raising his hammer menacingly as a warning.

The guards retreated slightly, allowing Thor to turn and look at Loki who was slowly and somewhat shakily standing. Sif longed to rush over to be by his side and she found herself briefly wondering why Thor was not helping the injured God to his feet.

Turning again he now addressed King Njord;
"Loki has been punished, now I shall escort him back to Asgard."
He indicated towards Sif,
"You will let the Lady Sif go!"

Without hesitation the guards released her from their grasp, allowing her to flee towards her fellow Asgardians.
"Thor..thank you-"
She made to touch his arm but he jerked away from her before her hand could make contact. Though slightly baffled, she was more concerned with Loki's well being, so continued towards him hurriedly.
Forgetting all others in the hall, she reached out to Loki, cupping his slender face in her hands as she surveyed the damage he'd endured.

Feelings of horror, anger and sorrow swirled within her, making her feel furious, sickened and heartbroken all at once as her eyes took in the sight of the thick strip of leather crudely laced through the trickster's own flesh. She fought hard to swallow back a sob, but she felt her own lips quivering seeing his beautiful, blood stained lips sewn together.
Whipping her head around she glared at Njord and then Amora,
"This is barbaric. How dare you be so wicked...You will suffer for this vile act!"
She screamed angrily, her tone raw and vicious.

"Silence Lady, or we shall keep your fallen Prince prisoner in our dungeons!"
Njord responded coldly.

"You will do no such thing!"
Thor interjected swiftly,
"He has suffered enough at your we shall leave."

Thor motioned to Loki and Sif to head towards the door, and he lifted the mighty Mjolner above his head once more,
"If you attempt to stop us, I will unleash all of my power upon you!"

Njord stood as Thor began to head towards the door,
"That traitor is a wanted war-criminal who has brought shame upon the house of Odin, he should consider himself fortunate that I am merciful enough to let him go.....your empty threats carry no weight here!"

Much to Sif's surprise Thor did not hesitate or pass comment.
Previously such a remark would have resulted in him losing his temper, which had caused many disasters in the past.

However her relief was short lived, as when Njord spoke again it was Loki who reacted to the King's slights,
"Odin was foolish for providing a giant's offspring refuge, and allowing that unwanted spawn to be nurtured by a witch only doubled the chances of disaster!"

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