Chapter XXXIV: Family Reunion

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Two years had passed since Dark Dante's death. Dante was 17 now. He ended up finishing high school early and was now looking into colleges. But he never forgot about anything that had happened to him. He still had the scars to remember the pain and he still had the knife to remember the death. All of it was trapped into Dante's mind and would never come out. But though there were bad things he couldn't forget, there were also good things. Dante still had Layla with him. She had been there for him every step of the way. He remebered high school and all the good things that came out of it. But mostly, out of all the good things he wanted to remember, he remembered his mother.

Dante stood on a hill in the south side of town. The sun was shining, the sky was clear, it was a beutiful day. Dante stood in front of a tombstone in the grave yard. Dante had payed for a proper burial for his mother a while back. The tombstone read:
"Eva. Beloved mother. May her heart and mind rest at peace." Dante got down on one knee and put some flowers on the top of his mothers grave. "I'm sorry mom." Dante said. "Your death was my fualt, and I must live with that for the rest of my life." A few tears came out of Dante's eyes as he said this.

Dante wiped his tears away and took a picture out. It was of him graduating. "I guess you would want to see this, before i go." Dante said, putting the picture om the ground in front of the tombstone. He put his head down and shut his eyes. He than felt a hand go on his shoulder. He looked back and saw Layla there. Dante put his hand on her hand for a moment and stood up. "Are you ever gonna stop blaming yourself for this?" Layla said. Dante looked down and than kissed Layla on the cheek. "I dont know." Dante said.

Dante took Layla's hand a took one last look at his mothers grave. He smiled and than walked away to his car. The picture he had left wasnt the only one that was there. He left a picture of him getting his license, at prom with Layla, getting his first car, getting a job, and him and Layla kissing. He left all of those surrounding her grave, so that whenever he came by he would never forget.

Dant didn't want to forget anything thst had happened to him. For his past had made him who he is now. Though sometimes he lives in the past and forgets of his future, the future that he wants. He cant stay in the past forever, becuase he'll never be able to go forward.

With Layla, his future was brighter. New possibilities could open up if Dante chooses to do so. But now his mind was all about remembering his past. Layla understood this and stayed by him through everything. She loved Dante, and Dante loved her. But he couldnt start heading forward. Not yet at least.

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