Chapter XV: Two more Scars

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Dante woke up the next morning to the Catalysts standing around his bed. As Dante began to open his eyes fully they started to speak. "We know what you did." One of them said. "Youre getting a little to close to this girl." "So what if i am. Its not like im gonna tell her anything." Dante said. The Catalysts looked down at Dante and shook their heads. "Love can do strange things Dante. It can make you talk. Spill secrets out." Dante shook his head back. "No. Im not gonna tell her. Im never gonna tell her."

Dante looked at them all with a serious look on his face. The Catalysts figured he meant what he said and got on to buisness. "We trust you. But we came for a different reason." One of the hooded Catalyst said. "We found your next target." Dante began to get up and put his shoes on as the Catalyst said that. "Well who is it?" Dante asked impatiently. Out of no where most of the Catalysts disappeared and only one remained. "Her name is Sam." After saying this the hooded Catalyst left and Dante remained shocked in the room. "A girl?" Dante thought.

Dante stood up and grabbed his hoidie and put it on. Dante never thought he would have to kill a girl. He didn't want to. He had a soft spot for girls now since Layla came into his life. Who same was though lay a mystery to Dante. He wondered why they had left him with so little information. Than like a flash of relization he knew who it was. Samantha Thorton. The paper journalist. He remebed seeing the name on the articles he read. He than grabbed his knife and headed out the house towards the journalists house.

Dante walked slowly down yhe road to the house. It was dawn and sight was limited. He than reached a cross road and stopped and thinked for a second. "Why do i have to do this?" He asked himself. He looked on his arm to see the symbol there still. "Oh yeah." Dante said shamefully.

He got to the house and studied it. He had to find a way to get into this one. Quickly he found a way and now was in the basement of the house. He slowly crept up the stairs to a hallway of sorts. He than saw there was another set of stairs. Figuring the master bedroom would be up there he slowly crept up those stairs to find a few rooms, and the room he was looking. The journalist was there. Laying in her bed on her stomach.

Dante took out his knife. He starred at the journalist for a while. Not wanting to do what he had to, Dante shoved the knife through the back of her neck. She died silently like the mayor. Blood ran down on too the floor. It was done. There was no going back

Dante didnt feel rage this time. He didnt feel guilt. He felt saddness. He never even talked to the lady and still he felt the sorrow through his body. A tear fell from Dante's eye."Im so, so sorry." He said. He stood up straight again and thoughy to himself a bit. "Am i even doing anything?" He said to himself. "Am i changing anything? Is this what you fucking wanted?!? Another person dead for reasons i still dont know?!?" Dante looked at his hands in regret. He than made it towards the window of the room. It was a balcony just like the mayors house.

Dante looked back over his shoulder at the now dead journalist. He started to get light headed. Not the sick light headed but the light headed in which he felt sorrow beyond any other feeling. As he went to jump off the balcony he fell out of not balancing. As he fell his knife came out of his hand. When Dante struck the ground the knife stabbed into Dante's chest. Dante held his mouth, trying not to scream. He ripped the knife out and got up shaking. He than trudged home as far as he could until he collapsed next to a small forrested area. He crawled in the brush and hid there as he ripped some cloth from his pants and made a bandage out of it. Dante slowly faded into what seemed to be sleep. Dante's eyes closed and fell to the ground.

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