conversation eight (1k!)

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oreohead: GERARD

oreohead: JURARD

oreohead: HUSBAND

slay.gee: oh hi..

oreohead: you okay?

oreohead: you seem upset

slay.gee: i am

slay.gee: im not okay frankie

slay.gee: i feel ignored and unwanted rn

oreohead: Gerard, dont say that, please

oreohead: you are wanted, and i dont ignore you gerard

slay.gee: i know.. its just..

oreohead: tell me gee, i want to fix you and help too

slay.gee: i think lyn-z is cheating on me

oreohead: oh my god...

oreohead: im sosososo sorry gerard i feel so terrible

slay.gee: dont be

oreohead: gerard, that is horrible why do you think she is cheating on you?

oreohead: just asking you dont have to answer me

slay.gee: i am i dont mind

slay.gee: well, lately me and her aren't talking that much and my friend brendon told me he saw her and another guy together

oreohead: oh my god...

oreohead: i have no words...

slay.gee: i thought she was the one.. im crying rn

slay.gee: frankie? you didnt respond to my text like 10 minutes ago

oreohead: gerard, dont cry please. it literally kills me when you cry. if you think lyn-z is cheating on you talk to her and ask her if she is. gerard, youre fucking amazing and beautiful too, dont forget that okay? even from a gay guy you're beautiful. im begging you dont hurt yourself gee. if she is cheating on you, you'll find someone better because she doesnt deserve your kindness and love. i love you okay? you are my greatest friend ive ever had. please, dont ever touch that fucking razor it'll harm your pretty body. please be strong okay?

slay.gee: oh my god frank... this is so..

slay.gee: i have no words

oreohead: here, this is my number (586) 347-0957

(not a real number i made it up)

slay.gee: thank you.. i'll call you.

oreohead: alright

•.• •.• •.• •.•

Frank patiently waits, rocking back and forth on his heels, his phone in his hand. Frank was waiting for the call.

Gerard and Frank never called each other before and he is really nervous and scared too. He always wanted to call Gerard, but he never had the balls to ask.

After waiting for so long the phone finally rings loudly, vibrating in Franks hands rapidly. It took him two seconds to answer the call.

"Hello?" Frank asked, waiting for an answer.

"Hey." A new jersey accent went through the phone into Franks ear

"Is that you Gerard?"


There was silence between them for a minute before Frank smiles like a goof and said "Well, your voice fits your looks."

A small chuckle went through the phone, making Franks heart flutter.

•.• •.• •.• •.•


- Kat xx

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