conversation twenty four

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guess who's back !! wow i missed updating this book, and now after earning my internet back i can update again finaLLY

ive been updating strange love since the chapters are short, so there is less stress on my shoulders.

ok guys this is late but pierce the veil's new song and album is lit. my best friend was complaining how she can't go to a ptv concert since it's downtown and i wanted to go but it's a school night sadly.

buy misadventures on itunes when it comes out !!

ok are u guys ready for some action bc i am

gerardgay: frankiee

gerardgay: i miss you babe :((

gerardgay: i hope you're okay

gerardgay: frank..

gerardgay: you're worrying me... please respond im getting paranoid

- 4 hours later -

gerardgay: frank fucking iero

gerardgay: im getting so paranoid my anxiety is kicking in

gerardgay: baby please answer i want to know if you're okay

Tears spills from Gerard's eyes rapidly, his hands clutching his phone tightly waiting for an okay answer. Why is Gerard crying over something that is so paramount to his miserable life? Tears for him is a way to express his true feelings about Frank Iero, the boy whom he loves dearly. Have you ever just missed someone this badly and truly cared them? Well, that's how Gerard Way feels like.

It's been nearly three weeks since Gerard and Frank communicated, and Gerard is worried sick about Frank. He is beginning to doubt about him and Frank's relationship, "Is it worth at all?" Those words wondered around Gerard's crazy mind, irritating him more every second that goes by. What did he do wrong? Gerard thinks paranoid. All he wants is Frank responding with an okay or any cute message that tells him that he is alright.

"Frank Anthony Iero, please be okay." Gerard whispers softly, a tint of sorrow in his quiet tone. He just wants his boyfriend to be okay.

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