conversation twenty two

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hello my smol beans! i decided to update because why not, and i left you all with a cliffhanger so you guys need a update.

Happy late Birthday Phillp Michael Lester! You're finally 29... im crying because you're growing up so fast and you're the fucking sunshine (im 2 weeks late oml)

Happy late Valentines Day! i hope you guys are enjoyed  your day by being with family or someone special, i went on a date with bring_me_ptv_ today (ok im kidding, we went ice skating but, so ship us if you want to)

Here's a pickup line i made; (idk if someone actually made this but oh well) hey, are you danisnotonfire? because you are on fire.

Here's a pickup line i made; (idk if someone actually made this but oh well) hey, are you danisnotonfire? because you are on fire

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ok pls kill me

anywho, i hope this chapter, goodbye loves! xox

Song; Hospital For Souls - Bring Me The Horizon

Question; should gerard and frank meet up again soon?

Answer; ^^ its your question guys, not mine.

Enjoy! If you didnt spend Valentines Day with anyone, here, have a internet hug  (◕‿‿◕)

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frankieboi; gerard?

frankieboi; love?

frankieboi; baby?

frankieboi; satan?

geraldgay; hi.

frankieboi; whats wrong? i know whats up

geraldgay: how df

frankieboi: ok seriously after the call you immediately ended the call and went offline i know whats up

geraldgay: my father is in the hospital..

frankieboi: 😔 awh g, you should have told me that

frankieboi: did you harm yourself?

geraldgay: nono

geraldgay: its just, me and my dad are very close

frankboi: ah

frankieboi: does mikey know?

geraldgay: i guess so, he hasnt been responding to me lately

frankieboi: GO CALL HIM


frankieboi: sorry, im just trying to cheer you up

geraldgay: its fine, that made me giggle tbh

frankieboi: :))

frankieboi: hey freak

frankieboi: smile

geraldgay: did you just "hey freak" me boi

geraldgay: do you want me to slap u

frankieboi: on the ass, then yes please daddy

frankieboi: i just snorted so loudly

geraldgay: i thought you top

geraldgay: #gerardtops2k16

frankieboi: hOld UP THERE PRINCESS

geraldgay: why did that randomly turn me on

frankieboi: ;)) you have a kink i see

geraldgay: shit gtg gotta sonic

frankieboi: dont run away from me, princess

geraldgay: fuck :((

frankieboi: what's wrong, babyboy? am i making you horny?

geraldgay: fucking hell shit im going to hell

frankieboi: maybe ill fuck you senseless first before you go to hell, baby doll

geraldgay: *sprays mysel with the holy water*

frankieboi: im laughing now omf

geraldgay: :(( i h8 u

frankieboi: shit i forgot ur dad is in the hospital

geraldgay: its fine

frankieboi: whats wrong with him though? a heart attack? cancer???

geraldgay: he has been fighting this disease but i dont really remember the name, i think it started with a L

frankieboi: awh :( i wish i was there you comfort you

geraldgay: the get on the plane u noob

frankieboi: GASPS

frankieboi: how dare u, u called me a noob

frankieboi: but im on season 9 of supernatural and HOLY SHIT ITS GETTING WICKED

frankieboi: srry bb but destiel

geraldgay: HA SUCKER IM ON SEASON 11

frankieboi: fuck off

geraldgay: id rather let you fuck me, love

frankieboi: yep im definitely going
to hell

geraldgay: :))

frankieboi: :((

geraldgay: love you :))

frankieboi: i h8 u

geraldgay: :((

frankieboi: :))

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