conversation twenty five

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that "suck on my knob, like corn on a cob." song is stuck in my head for the past 2 hours whoops.

I just want to say, thank you for being on this journey with me, even though you just started this book or began reading it a while ago.

now let's end this sad stuff and start this chapter bc i left you guys with a cliffhanger.

gerardgay: hey bren?

milkboi: oh hey gee

milkboi: whats going on?

geraldgay: just ugh! ( evilly laughs )

milkboi: why are you so ugh!

geraldgay: me and frank haven't talked to each other for over month now

milkboi: a month

geraldgay: yes

geraldgay: did something happened like shrekjsjsjdnens

milkboi: gerard.. did you know about it?

geraldgay: know about what?

milkboi: frank's dad died a month ago

geraldgay: holy gaynohmtgod

milkboi: he never told you about it?

geraldgay: frank didn't even say a fucking word about it

milkboi: well, he usually hides his feelings and dont tell people how he feels-

milkboi: but he'll never hurt himself over that

milkboi: he's a strong boy, gerard

milkboi: you picked the right guy

geraldgay: i know that.. is he okay?

milkboi: i guess so, I'll call him soon dont worry

geraldgay: thank you

i might update again tonight

thank you for reading!

- kat/vic 💫

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