Chapter 3

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A few moments later, we were in the car. I leaned my head gently on Don's shoulder, and his arm moved across the seat to find mine, our fingers crossed and interlocked. Fifteen minutes later we had arrived at the Theatre. I glanced out of the darkened car window and saw the paparazzi, their cameras flashing everywhere, as if they'd already known that we were coming. A few yards away were the fans. Screaming, grasping for breath, anticipating what was to come. My bodyguard opened the side door, holding out his hand for me to hold as I appeared outside the car. I looked around, orienting myself and getting used to the scenes around me, as I grabbed Don's hand. When Don got out of the car, he gently placed his hand in mine and off we went, together, as always-down the red carpet. And the fans went wild, calling my name from this side and that. Photographers flashed their cameras, but I simply waved and smiled. I looked behind me and saved a special smile for Don, to which he replied with the same smile.

Posing for pictures, answering questions-the press line was finally behind us. After that I went to the fans and gave them the waves and smiles they sought, signing a couple of autographs and taking a selfie here and there. Don chatted in the background with my agent, as they always did, while I did what was expected of me. When I finished, I went to him, and he pulled me in closely, wrapping his arm around my waist. We were then greeted by cocktails. Gratefully, we all took one each, and the three of us moving along to go inside. My agent then looked at me and asked: "Did you both have a pleasant afternoon?" Without skipping a beat, I immediately replied with a cheeky smile, "Yes, indeed we had, we enjoyed the afternoon to the absolute fullest." Don was smiling sweetly beside me, both of us with a secret we both felt the need to keep. Kevin then said, "I'm glad to hear that. Everyone knows you deserve it-think of all the traveling you have done lately." I took a sip from my drink and said, "Yes, definitely. We barely have time for each other, Don and I, with all the pending appointments." At that, Don looked at us and held me by my waist, as if to reassure me that that wasn't going to stop us from loving each other.

After a while, it was time to sit down for the film screening. Before the movie began, there were a few speeches. I sat down on my seat next to Don, and snuggled up to him as the movie was released. He put my arm on his thigh and he laid his hand on my hand. At the end of the show, there was great applause in the auditorium. When Don and I left the hall together, hand in hand, a girl came up to me, gave me a bunch of flowers, and asked: "Can I have an autograph?" She waited nervously, looked shyly at me, and smiled. I took the note she handed me. I gave her an autograph and asked: "What's your name, my angel?" Shyly, the girl said: "My name is Anna."
I wrote on the slip of paper next to my signature: "For Anna, with love. Sincerely, Meryl.' Don waited patiently as always while I was signing autographs, watching everything from the background. Anna said: "Thank you." She was in high spirits and was happy that she had got an autograph. I stroked her cheek and smiled at her.

Then we went to another room, where there were some of our friends and some other colleagues who had participated in the film. My agent asked me a few questions. I saved their data in my iPhone. I looked around to see who else was there. Don went out briefly into the fresh air and came back after a while. He came up from behind me and I leaned against his chest, tying to reach one of his arms. He looked at me and smiled softly, then kissed my cheek again. I smiled sweetly up at him, looking at him, and whispered, "I love you, my darling." Don: "I love you, too, sweetie," and he gave me a gentle kiss on my lips. I closed my eyes to briefly enjoy the moment. I held his arm gently next to me, at my side.

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