Chapter 22

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In the next morning, I was getting up, as usual, preparing the breakfast for us. Sung quietly while it as I saw a shadow coming closer which was Don in his robe and still fluffy hair from the night. Smiled at him and blew a kiss in his direction. He caught the kiss with an arm and sent me one back while walking over. I arranged all on the table, and he put the plates on it. I left for the coffee and came with a full bottle and milk back. Poured into each cups coffee and milk, in mine some sugar too. Sat down and started to eat. Don too and he was reading as he is doing it always the newspaper while it. Heard my cell phone and replied to a text I got and giggled. Later then I carried all plates in the kitchen and put them in the sink to wash them. Don looked up from the newspaper over the edge from his glasses as I was rushing around him. He:" Honey, are you in a hurry?" Me:" Yes just a little." Got fast dressed up for work and put some makeup on. Gave Don a quick lip kiss and left then. He got ready too. Drove then right to his studio where he was preparing the last things for the exhibition today evening in CT.
Because I was working longer we met directly there up. Glanced over the room and smiled as I saw our friends there and chatted a bit with while Don was holding is the entire speech for all guests. He finished it and walked then to me over putting one of his arms onto my shoulder. Smiled at him and he looked at me and kissed my cheek. Wrapped my arm around his waist and was walking with him to the bar. There we got us something to drink and eat. Turned to him and saw people making pictures of all there and we were talking with the curator of the Museum there. Looked at her and laugh das she made a joke. While it Don got asked to explain some of his works which were exhibited. Smiled proudly as he got a compliment. He left me shortly and came after a while back to me and told me who was here too.I waited patiently till the last guest left. So we both could leave too and drove home at our place. I fell asleep while driving back in the city. Don poked me as we arrived and murmured:" Honey, we are at home." I woke up and yawned ones. Got out of the car and walked to our apartment house and walked in holding his arm.
In our apartment, I suggested drinking a glass wine to round the evening up. Don went for all while I was walking into the living room and sat me curled up on the couch. He sat next to me and gave me one glass. Took a little sip o fit and turned to him leaning my head on his shoulder. We were talking about the happenings of the day. We didn't get how late it was. I took a look at the clock around at 2 am and said." I think we should go to bed it's pretty late." He:" Oh wow so late. Yeah, we should we both need to get up tomorrow very early."Me: Oh yes and I know that Mister won't get up when it is too late." We got up and laid on the bed. I cuddled me to him as I was sleeping and held on him. As usual, every morning we followed our routines.
As I was in the city to meet my agent, I saw how cute the city was already decorated and lit up. Came late home and Don was already at home, and he made us the dinner and came up to me with it and said:" Hey honey, why are you late today." Me a bit tipsy because I had some drinks at a Christmas market:" Sorry, but you know I was out with some friends and turned to a fun evening out." He smiled and hugged me tightly:" Oh yes, I know you, girls. You forget the time always while it. " Covered my face and laughed:" I am sorry, honey." He to me:" It's okay, don't worry too much."
Looked at him and could clearly notice he was mad at me that I came that late home. As I sat down to eat a bit of it what he made for us, I felt how he was watching me out. He went while I was in the kitchen in the living room and grabbed a book to read. Finished my dinner and washed the plates. Ambled still a bit tipsy over to Don in the living room and sat me next to him. He ignored me as sat me next to him. I leered just at him and bit on my lower lip. Stumbled quietly:" Don, are you mad at me?" He didn't say any word to me and looked just ones from his book up with that look – Yes, I am mad at you because you came late home without telling me anything in time -. Me:" Okay, Don, I got it you are damn angry with me what can I do now. I can't do anything now." Finally, he broke the silence:" Yes you could've texted me or anything else. I cooked for us the dinner and wanted to surprise you or whatever." Me:" You think cooking dinner is a big deal? It isn't Mr. Gummer. I did and do it all the time for you all and never asked for anything or when you came late home from work and I was waiting for you." Got up and pulled his arm where he is still holding the book. Rushed in our bedroom and hit the door. Had a shower and got me in my night panties then. Laid me on the bed and grabbed the pillow. Hours later as I was already sleeping came Don into the bed and laid next to me. Felt his warmth in my dream and moved fast to his arms. Don woke me up and got up as usual. Heard him and hid me under the blanket as he walked over to me. Don tried to kiss me, but I didn't let him. He watched me confused why reacted so. He:" You was it who made a mistake but now I can pay for it. You know too well to put the blame on me." Smiled devilish under the blanket so that he couldn't see it and thought – Damn, I am good -. Opened the coverage a little as he stood next to me and saw only his legs. He looked down at me still a little mad at me from yesterday night.

Splitted that chapter into 2  that isn't so long but I will post the next part as soon as possible ....😉

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