Info/Chapter 1

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Name: Star Nya

Looks: White hair and reddish orange eyes. Fair skin. Average height. Kinda thin, She's not flat, but not huge, about a C.

Likes: Animals, traveling, fighting, working out, cooking.

Dislikes: Pretty much everything else.

Age: 14

Info: Star was born into a very rich family, and was part of an intergalactic deal with a different planet, of aliens. Everyone that was a someone in Tokyo, knew about this. At 5 she was considered a princess on the planet and went back every few years. Her first visit was when she was 1 month old, where she and another baby, on that planet, was only one month older, met. This boy was named Kisshu. She was 12 when she went last. She stayed a year with Kisshu, until everything went wrong. The planet was in turmoil and Kisshu and his brothers Taruto and Pai went under Deep Blue to return to their old home. A year had passed, and Deep Blue appeared. The one that went with Kisshu was Deep Blue's brother Sea Blue. Deep Blue destroyed the planet and everyone on it, except for Star. She got on a ship and started heading home. She knew that Kisshu and his brother's were going to be devastated.


Star's POV

I was in my spaceship driving home.. well... more like flying home. I watched as the planet I had lived on for almost two years was blown up.

As I left I looked out my window and saw another ship heading toward what used to be their homes. It was him. My love. We had been dating two years, but I haven't seen him for one. I had been watching over him during this time, but he had never been able to see me.

His expression was shock. He began to tear up quietly, along with his siblings. I just turned away and flew of, 1,000 light years in 10 seconds.

I was now back , entering Earth's atmosphere. Landing in Tokyo's Secret Space Program, the TSSP. I was welcomed by many government agents from Tokyo. One of them walked up to me.

"Star, how was your vacation?"

"The planet was destroyed." They stared and said their apologizes.

The planet, Cydrona, was having horrible weather conditions in the first place, but this was too much. Their leader, Deep Blue, had destroyed the planet. His brother, Sea Blue had been killed, so he was awoken. But that's not the point.

I'm now 14, 8th grade. I needed to go back to school. I couldn't wait to see my friend again. I walked out of the TSSP.

I remembered a year ago, this strange mark had appeared on the top of my right foot. It looked like a pink heart that wasn't connected on the top or bottom. It was cute, but that didn't matter. I walked over to the limo. The door opened and my brother looked out.

"Hello Star."

"Hello Yue."

"Cydrona was destroyed?"


"That's a shame. Well, welcome home Star. We missed you." I got in next to him and we drove off. Yue was only one hour older than I, but it didn't matter. I smiled as we drove off.

We pulled up to our mansion and everyone met me at the entrance. I got into my room and unpacked everything. I put a picture of my love and I above my bed. I hoped I would see him again. I don't care if aliens and humans could never work. They would in my world.

--Next day--

I got up and did my daily routine. It was the first day of school and I couldn't wait. I put on my uniform and smiled. I ran out to my meeting place. A girl with red hair and brown eyes walked towards me. She looked at me and smiled.


"Ichigo!!" Ichigo and I had been friends since forever. I had missed her so much. I knew what had happened over the past year, but that didn't matter at the moment.

We started walking to school together and caught up, and fast. She was finally dating Ayoma and had made 4 new friends, maybe 7, she wasn't sure. I smiled and told her that I too, had found a love, she smiled.

"Who is it?"

"I'd rather not say. Maybe I can introduce him to you." She pouted, but blew it off all the same.

We got to school and everyone looked at me like I was an alien. Made me feel kinda weird but at home all at once. I mean, I'm from a wealthy family and I decided to come to a public school instead of a private one like my brother.

"I'd like to welcome back an old student. Star?" I stood and nodded.

"It's great to be back everyone." I smiled and sat back down. The school day went on and I went with Ichigo to her job at Cafe Mew Mew. I walked in and gasped. It was so cute.

"I'm here!" Four girls came around the corner. And I almost fainted.

"Mint! Lettuce! Pudding! Zakuro!" They all came and hugged me.

"I'm lost."

"Nothing new Ichigo." She pouted, but went to change. Then this boy with blond hair and deep blue eyes walked up.

"My name is Ryou. May I speak with you?" I nodded and followed him. We went into this basement when he asked me a question.

"A year ago, did you have a strange mark appear on your body?" I nodded and showed him my foot. "As I thought. You're a Mew Mew." I nodded.

"Mew Mew Demon to be exact." He nodded and handed me a maid's outfit.

"Go get changed and ready to work." I nodded again and went to the changing room. There was a black locker ready for me. I was standing in my bra and underwear when someone wrapped their arms around me from behind. I turned and saw a boy with green hair and yellow eyes. along with pointy ears.


"Hey, Star, I've missed you.?" He kissed me and pushed me onto the bench that was in the changing, perpendicular to the door, which flew open.

"What the- Kisshu?!" I looked up and saw Ichigo and the others.

"Hi" I said while Kisshu pouted.

"What is he doing here?" Ichigo asked.

"Well you see-" I began, but Kisshu interrupted me.

"I came to see my little Star. Right Star?"

"Right Kisshu." Ichigo seemed mad and before I knew it, Kisshu was gone.

"Star what was that all about, and what are you doing here?"

"Let me get dressed and I'll tell you." They left. I got into my work clothes, and let them back in. "Cydrona and Earth had a special alliance with the Nya family.To them I am a princess. I first went there when I was 1 month old. That's where I have been for a year. And I have kept a close watch on Earth in Kisshu's absence."

"What about you and Kisshu?"

"Ichigo, you know that boy I wanted to introduce you too?"

"Yeah. What of it?"

"That boy would be Kisshu." Everyone's mouth dropped.


"It's true."

"This isn't gonna be good. Wait, why are you here?" I took off my shoe and showed them the top of my right foot.

"I'm a Mew Mew too."

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