Chapter 14

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Star's POV

We patched Kisshu up, and after dad had a long discussion with Linda, she was kicked out of the house and the air in the house seemed to become fresh and clean.

Kisshu was taken back by Pai and Taruto, and though Pai didn't, Taruto thanked us for fixing Kisshu back up.

A month later, Valentine's day to be exact, I was walking over to the cafe for some last minute work before going to see Kisshu. What ended up happening is that Kisshu found me first and asked me to come with him to his dimension.

"I'm sorry Kisshu, but I have to stay. I need to tie up loose ends here on Earth, and then we can." Kisshu understood, and we just walked for a bit until we got in front of an abandoned house and Isaac walked up.

"What are you doing with her freak?" He stepped forward as Kisshu did and stepped in front of me.

"I can walk with my girlfriend if I want to. It's not like you have anything to do with her anymore." Issac's eyes narrowed.

"You want to bet?"

"I'd like to see what you can do for Star that I already can't that would make her go for you." Kisshu seemed to be returning to his old self and it made me kind of happy.

"I'll show you." Isaac began to glow blue, and when the glowing went away, there stood the Dark Blue Knight. Kisshu and I both glared.

"You're the Dark Blue Knight. Should've known. I should've known that the only asshole in my life would be the asshole in combat thinking he's saving me." Isaac cocked his head.

"I am trying to protect you princess."

"Stop calling Star princess. She deserves a more deserving name by a more deserving person." And with that they began to fight each other. I just stood back and watched as I got a call on my cell.


"Star? Where are you? Ryou's getting agitated because you're almost 30 minutes late."

"Sorry Ichigo. But I can't leave Kisshu right now. He's in the middle of a fight with an idiot." I said as I watched Kisshu block one of Isaac's attacks.

"Star! That is no reason to be late!"

"It is if Issac's the Dark Blue Knight and he's trying to kill Kisshu to prove that he's worth my love. I'm waiting to see if I need to back Kisshu up or keep Kisshu from killing him, because no matter how fulfilling that may be, I can't have Kisshu have murderer on his earth records." I hung up the cell and continued to watch. Now that I think about it... I shouldn't have told her they were trying to kill each other... oh well.

The fight continued as the other Mew Mews appeared.

"Star! Why haven't you transformed?" Lettuce asked. I turned to the others.

"Well Mew Lettuce, that would be because I don't need to be a Mew Mew to kick Isaac's ass." They got positioned to fight.

"We have to protect the Dark Blue Knight." I glared as I then transformed and blocked their way. "Mew Star! Move!"

"No! You won't hurt Kisshu." I heard a groan as I turned to see that Kisshu had gotten cut. I glared. "Demon Mallets!" Out came my mallets. "Ribbon Demon Spike!*" The spikes came from my mallets as I threw it and it went by the Dark Blue Knights head. He turned to me.

"What was that for?!" I grabbed my mallets as I walked over to him, spikes still out. I got up to him and in his face.

"I suggest you stand down Isaac. You will never have my heart. It belongs to Kisshu and Kisshu alone. Hurting Kisshu, doesn't make me like you any better, only worse." He scowled. I walked over to Kisshu.

"Hey Star."

"If I could kill him I would." Kisshu smiled slightly.

"Alright." I turned to the Mew Mews, a glare set on my face as they stood next to the Dark Blue Knight.

"So, here's a nice question that I think should be asked. Who's on what side?" The other Mew Mews cocked their heads.

"What do you mean Mew Star?" Ichigo asked.

"I mean that I won't let anyone hurt Kisshu. If Kisshu gets hurt again, I will attack whoever harmed him with no hesitation. And if you are going to fight by HIM." I looked over to Isaac. "Then I am afraid to say that we will be enemies." Everyone's jaw dropped.

"Mew Star are you insane?" I looked at Ichigo.

"Mew Ichigo, my feelings for Kisshu run stronger your feelings for Aoyama. You wouldn't fight against him when you found out he was Sea Blue until after Kisshu was killed and he had begged you to kill him. Don't talk to me about being insane." She bit her lip.

"Then we are enemies." I looked to Zakuro. I nodded.

"It was good being your ally and your friend. I will say this. I am not going to allow the Cydronian's to destroy the human race. They have done unforgivable things, and I won't let them continue, but I refuse to have Kisshu put in danger anymore." I turned to Kisshu.

"Star. Are you sure you want to do this. They are your friends." I smiled.

"After the loose ends Kisshu." I kissed his cheek. "We can run away. But until then, me and you are still on opposing sides, even if I am no longer with the Mew Mews." He kissed my forehead and left, and I turned to the Mew Mews.

"Are you really leaving the Mew Mews?" I shrugged.

"I refuse to work with the one who hurt my loved one, and who laughed at the death of my mother and approved of the abuse I once received." They all nodded and I went home while they went to tell Ryou the news. I got a call to come to headquarters.

"What do you want?" I said as I walked in.

"Turn in your pendant." I glared.

"You want me to turn in my pendant because I refuse to work with the Dark Blue Knight? I understand firing Kisshu, but unless you forgot, Isaac isn't really hero material. I wouldn't trust him with washing a piece of dirt." Ryou sighed.

"You're right. However you must understand that if Kisshu attacks us, we will attack him." I stood straight.

"Then you must understand that I won't let anyone hurt him." He glared as I turned and left. Things were about to become much more difficult.

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