Chapter 9

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Kisshu's POV

Pai just punched Star and she went unconscious. I just stood there and let it happen to. What kind of boyfriend am I?

"That should keep her quiet. I hope her ignorance hasn't upset you too much Deep Blue-sama."

"Not to worry Pai. She'll be dealt with as soon as we get that Mew Aqua." I scoffed and glared. "Is there something wrong Kisshu?" I looked away.

"No, I'm totally fine with you guys beating my girlfriend and knocking her unconscious in front of me."

"Kisshu. You shouldn't be with a human."

"She's not just a human though! She's the princess I have always looked up to and the one I fell in love with at a young age. Her father finally accepted me as her lover and he will kill me if he finds out what happened to her."

"You think I care? That treaty was put up by my brother as a political gain for our planet. Now that our planet has been destroyed, we no longer need the treaty. Calm down Kisshu. Once the Earth is ours, you can have anything you like."

"But what about repopulating the planet and bringing our race back? Can't do that without females. All of the women of our race were killed in the destruction of our planet. And I don't want a Cydronaian wife. I want Star, and that's all I'll accept." I picked up my girlfriend's limp unconscious body and carried her to my area of the dimension.

I laid her on what was my makeshift bed, a fucking flat rock that worked more like a table. Star looked so peaceful and if she wasn't bruised from the punches Pai gave her she'd be angelic... okay she was still angelic but still. I stroked her cheek as lightly as I could and Taruto came over.

"You really shouldn't have talked back to Deep Blue-sama Kisshu. You're going to get in trouble again."

"I don't care. Star-chan means the worlds to me, and seeing her like this breaks my heart. If taking the Earth means killing her, then I'd rather be homeless for the rest of eternity."

"What are you saying Kisshu? You've been brainwashed. Deep Blue-sama told me that she destroyed our planet." My head whipped around to glare at the small Cydronian boy who just had to be my younger brother. There was no way that Star would do that to our planet.

"I don't believe it."

"Well, if you won't believe me, ask her when she wakes up." I glared. I didn't need to ask her. I knew that Star would never do it. No matter what or the reason. She wasn't like that. Never has been and never will.

I looked back to Star. In half an hour, her life may be taken. I couldn't live with myself if I let that happen to her. I opened a portal to make secret dimension, one I had made when I had forgotten my love for Star and chased after Ichigo.

I brought her in and sealed it off. We were surrounded by flowers and a small river. I laid Star gently in the middle of a clearing with soft grass. The sky was red and orange with the sunset. I breathed heavily while I waited for her to awake. Soon I heard the irritated voice of Star. I turned and she was sitting up and rubbing her temple.

"Damn it Pai! When I get my hands on yo-" She looked around, in confusion, awe, and wonder. "Where am i?"

"You're in my secret dimension." She turned to me and blushed a little. "Do you like it? I made it during one of my unfaithful moments." I frowned. She was going to hit me. She laughed.

"Don't worry about that. This place is amazing Kisshu-kun." I jumped a little and blushed.

"Really?" I felt her breath on my neck.

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