Chapter 3

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Star's POV

I woke up and went through the dimension warp to my room. No one was there and I changed into my school uniform and got everything I needed, grabbed some toast, and BOLTED outta my house before anyone noticed I was there.

I got to school and went to my class. I got through the door and someone wrapped his arms around me. I turned and saw Isaac Yaro.

He had brown spiky hair, brown eyes, and was sort of muscled, but that didn't help the fact that he was a total ASS!

"Hey baby." We had an arranged marriage. And how I wish he would get the point I hate him and will never go through with it if they have to kill me. I sat down next to Ichigo, who was asleep on her desk. Must be because of the cat thing.

Class started and the teacher came in. 10 Minutes into class the principal came and started talking to our teacher.


"Mizuki-sensei, you have a new student."

"Okay, what's their name?"

"Come out into the hall."

"Okay" They went into the hall and within five minutes the teacher came back in with this look on her face.

"We have new student today. Don't pick on him but he has a few different features than we do. Please accept him like everyone else. His name is Kisshu." She stretched her arm out and and of course, Kisshu walked in. Ichigo sat up and kinda glared. Of course his different features was his eyes, skin color, and HUGE elf-like ears. Girls started asking all of these questions.

"Where are you from?"

"Are you straight?"

"Do you have a girlfriend?" That's the only question he answered.

"Yes I do." Then they started asking questions about her. I stood.

"Hey! Girls he said he had a gf so leave him alone. It's none of your business." They all glared at me.

"It's none of yours either. You have a fiance." Kisshu realized it was me and looked at me hurt.

"Star?" Isaac stood.

"How do you know my Star-chan's name? And Star, I know you're sweet but why ask the girls to stop?" Ichigo looked at me. She knew I was trying to break the engagement off for years with no avail. Kisshu looked like he was gonna cry, and I already was.

Everyone looked at me in confusion and Isaac began to steam. I just couldn't take it and walked out of the room and headed to the roof, where Kisshu met me.

"Star?" I looked at him, still crying. "You never told me you were engaged." I wanted to shake my head so badly. "If you were, why did you start dating me?"

"Kisshu. I've been trying to break this off ever since it started. It's arranged. I hate Isaac. I love you. That's the issue." That's when Isaac came out of nowhere.

"Star-chan, this dude buggin you?" I shook my head and rolled my eyes.

"Isaac, don't call me Star-chan. I'm gonna say this on last time. I hate you!" He shook his head.

"Hate me or not, you gotta marry me." I rolled my eyes again.

"Kisshu. We should go back down to class. Isaac, I'm going now you can leave now." He scoffed and walked down the stairs, Kisshu started heading, but I grabbed his arm and made him turn towards me.

"Star?" I kissed his lips and wrapped my arms around his neck, it wasn't long before he wrapped his arms around my waist and licked my bottom lip, hoping for entrance. I opened and right when his tongue went in, Isaac came up.

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