Chapter 8

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Star's POV

I was with Kisshu in one of our dimensional warps waiting for the day to finish and then we went out to our respected sides to battle. The Mew Mews and I were battling at the TV Studio and were recorded. The announcers came up to us.

"Well it looks like the Tokyo Mew Mew's have saved us again... who's this?" They turned the camera to me. "Are you new?"

"Yes. My name is Mew Star and I joined just a little bit ago."

"I see. Do you have a cute pose like the others?" I nodded. "Would you care to show us?" I nodded again and did my little pose. Slightly bent over with my hands on my upper thighs, head tilted slightly. "Do you have a little saying?" I thought for a minute. Something cute... Got it.

"I'll protect you, Nyoo." Not exactly like Ichigo's, but it worked. He did this kinda scream thing and steam came out his nose and his face turned red. Oh dear.

"You are adorable. And your outfit is divine." You mean sluttish. Whatever. "Since you're all here, could we interview you?" Everyone nodded and it started. Then he got back to me. "And what kind of animal are you?"

"Giant Panda."

"So cute! Do you eat bamboo?"

"Sometimes, it's the animal instinct thing." My tail wiggled a little and one of the camera's got it and he screamed.

"She just wiggled her tail!" This continued until Kisshu and his gang got back.

"Oh no! They're back!" I turned towards Kisshu and lipped a 'thank you' that no one could see. I stepped back.

"Demon Arrow!" A bow and arrow like Mint's appeared.

"Mint Arrow!" I looked at her and nodded. "Mint Echo!"

"Demon Echo!" We hit the alien they had just made and it died. I put my weapon away and they looked at me.

"We've seen these girls fight before, do you copy their weapons?"

"Sort of. I have many weapons, however I decided to use the ones my comrades have." The building began to shake and there was a scream.

"How many of those things do they have?"

"I don't fucking know. But they are pissing me off!"

"Ooo a potty mouth. I like it!" I rolled my eyes and started to walk towards the aliens. Kisshu watched then tackled me to the floor.

"Hey cutie. How are you?" I shook a little. I really wanted to kiss him, but I couldn't or else bad things would happen.

"Get off me Kisshu."

"But why little Mew Mew? You look so much like my girlfriend. And she would never say that." I blushed. That perv! And he was pretty much telling everyone there that we were one of THOSE couples.



"Demon Mallets!" Two mallets* appeared. He jumped off and I spun the mallets in my hands. "Don't think you'll get away with that." I threw one at him. "Demon Fan!" The mallet turned into a fan and almost got Kisshu. It came back and I caught it.

"You're so feisty. I like it." I blushed harder.

"Shut up!" I through the fan again and got the chimera they had brought. I didn't 'die' though. "What is with that thing?"

"It's a very rare chimera combination of mole, armadillo, and elephant." Damn it Pai!

"What the fuck!" I dodge it's trunk with Mint and landed a few feet away. "Fucker."

"Now where's the Mew Aqua?" I was getting really pissed.

"We don't know. But thanks for the heads up. Demon Mew Aqua Rod!" I grabbed the rod and the mew aqua went straight to my rod and I managed to save it and make the rod disappear to HQ.

"What the heck! You Mew Mews are gonna regret that."

"Really now. Demon Mallets!" I grabbed the mallets and threw it, not changing it into a fan, but instead I snapped my fingers and it grew spikes and pierced the chimera's shell and made it vulnerable "Mew Ichigo!"

"Got it. Strawberry Bell. Strawberry Check!" The chimera disappeared and then Taruto and Pai grabbed my wrists.

"We'll be leaving now. If you want to see her back alive I suggest you bring us all of your Mew Aqua to Tokyo Tower's Observation Deck in an hour or you'll be back to how you were in the beginning, with only five Mew Mews." And into a dimensional warp we went.

"What the hell! Why'd you take Star-chan! She isn't supposed to get involved."

"She's the enemy Kisshu. We have too."

"Says who!"

"I did!" It was Deep Blue. I felt that cold feeling and that evil in the air. "Did you really think you Mew Mews could defeat me? I'm not as stupid as my brother." I glared at him.

"You bastard! Why do you think they should help you?"

"Because I can give them a place to live a planet to call home."

"And once all of you die this planet will become a wasteland! And Kisshu has been accepted pretty well on this planet with the humans anyways. Pai and Taruto would be as well. You have no reason to destroy us humans!"

"You are killing the planet. And is we do not kill you it will die on it's own in only a short while."

"No it won't!"

"How do you know?"

"After how much pollution we've pumped into the world and air you'd think we'd all be dead by now don't you? The world has finally realized the harm we are doing and trying to go green to save what's left."

"Which won't be much. Deep Blue has told us the horrors you humans have done." I looked at him with hate in my eyes, wide with rage and disgust.

"And what about your planet! What the fuck did you guys do to it! Sucked it dry of all of it's resources till it was nothing but a ball of dust! Then this jack ass-!"

"Shut your mouth!" Pai slapped me across the face. "Deep Blue-sama has done everything to keep us out of harm's way and is trying to keep us from going extinct! This planet was ours in the first place!"

"So humans have to go extinct!?"

"It's the only way!"

"No it's not! My mother had to die because of you! At your hands pretty much! She could've been healed, the percentage was very small, but we could have helped her with our medical knowledge. And you just killed her with no feelings. My father had to treat me like shit and sent me through hell and back until today because of it. What happened to the alliance huh?"

"What do you mean by your father Mew Mew?"

"My name is Star Nya! Taiyou's and Suisei's daughter! Sister to Yue Nya. You should be terrified right now!"

"So you're the princess?" I nodded. "I don't care. So what? I'm the god."

"God my ass! You're nothing close to a god." Pai hit me again.

"That should help remind you to watch your tongue." I glared. "What?"

"Murderer!" He glared and this time Pai punched me at the base of the neck and I passed out.

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