Chapter 15 (Last Chapter)

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Star's POV

I had just gotten a call from Isaac asking me to meet him in front of one of the shrines in town. I didn't want to, but decided that I might as well hear him out.

As I walked onto the shrine grounds, I saw Isaac and he didn't seem to be doing well.

"Isaac? What do you want? And are you okay?" He looked up and he transformed into the Dark Blue Knight. Right afterwards Kisshu and his brothers appeared.

"That's him?" Kisshu nodded. Pai and Taruto got down on one knee as Kisshu stayed standing. At that moment, Isaac changed again, into Deep Blue.

"WHY didn't I see this coming?" Out of the sky came this huge ship, and after I got the Mew Mews there and transformed, we began the fight.

"This seems all too familiar." Mint said. I nodded as everything seemed to play out as it did last year, except I headed straight to the ship.

Once I got in I saw Deep Blue and I glared.

"You bastard!"

"Watch your tongue human! I am here to claim this planet for us once again!"

"Why? Because you slowly destroyed yours? You tricked Kisshu and his brothers Deep Blue! Just like your brother."

"Don't compare me to the likes of him!"

"Why? Because it's true? You're only copying him, only this time you made sure that failure wasn't an option. If you didn't get Earth back, then Kisshu, Pai, and Taruto would have to die, and at this point in time, Taruto's already been taken down by Pai." Kisshu appeared.

"Is it true Deep Blue-sama? Did you destroy Cydrona?" Deep Blue smirked.

"It doesn't matter anymore. What matters now is killing that girl!" Kisshu turned to me, shook his head, then teleported and went to kill Deep Blue, but got run through. My heart broke as he was thrown towards me. I kneeled and picked him up.


"Sorry Star. Seems like I got myself killed again." I cried as he tried to kiss me before passing. I laid him down as I stood.

"Pathetic excuse for a servant."

"Demon Mallets!" My mallets came to my hands.

"You think those puny mallets can do anything to me?" I picked up Kisshu's scythes and attached it to the ends of my mallets, where they fused for the moment. I faced Deep Blue.

"It's too bad Issac. Unlike Ichigo and Aoyama, there is no one who is willing to save you." There was that cocky smirk that screamed Isaac.

"You think you can kill me?"

"I don't think. I know. Ribbon Demon Rebirth!" I threw my mallets, they began to glow, and as they came closer to Deep Blue, they made an energy ball between the spikes big enough to keep Deep Blue from deflecting it, and as he fell, so did Mew Aqua. I cried as I went back over to Kisshu.

"S-Star?" I smiled and hugged him. The other Cydronians came up and smiled, then all the Mew Mews changed back.

"Not again." I shrugged as we left the ship and it was sent to space again, and left there to float.

"So, are you done trying to force the Earth to be yours this time?" Pai nodded as he slowly put an arm around Lettuce's shoulders. Taruto was standing next to Pudding with a small blush on his face. I smiled.

"Well. Today's a good day then!"


I had just gotten back from my honeymoon with Kisshu. I was now Star Ikisatashi.

Kisshu and I had both continued in school, and graduated. Yue went to college to get an astronomy degree, Aoyama and Ichigo are engaged, Taruto and Pudding are going steady, and Pai and Lettuce are as well. Cafe Mew Mew is open, though it is now just a cafe. Father found a new wife, much better than Linda, who was currently in jail.

We were having a party at my father's with all of our friends.

"So Star, how was your honeymoon?" I smiled at Ichigo.

"Busy." She blushed slightly.

"S-Sorry for asking." I smiled. Ichigo and Ayoma were with the WWF, and had recently returned from a trip to America.

"It's alright Ichigo." She smiled this time.

"So what's the party for?" Pai asked near the end of the party. I sighed as I looked at Kisshu, who was talking to my father.

"Well..." I stopped talking. He didn't pry as the party came to an end. Kisshu and I stood in the front of the ballroom, near the stairs leading to the entryway.

"Well... it's time to close the party, and we'd also like to tell you the reasoning for the party." I said. Kisshu grabbed my hand.

"Ten years ago, I had asked Star to come with me to a place where no one could bother us and there will always be peace." Everyone slowly frowned.

"This party, was a goodbye party. We are leaving, headed to another dimension. We've had this plan since we were on his planet. We were going to get married and go somewhere where no conflicts could rip us apart." Ichigo stepped forward.

"What? But you just came back!"

"I'm sorry Ichigo, but I can't bare being separated from Kisshu. Once we leave, we will most likely never return to Earth. However." I pulled out a box.

"This box." Kisshu pulled out a strange looking device. "Holds communicators. It will produce holographic images of us as we speak to each other, so we will never truly be apart." Everyone began to tear up.

"I'm sorry we didn't tell you about this sooner."

"It's okay Star, we understand." I smiled and after we handed out all of the communicators, Kisshu and I stood back at the top of the stairs.

"Good Bye everyone."

"Good Bye Star! Good Bye Kisshu!" And with that, Kisshu and I walked through the dimensional warp, into our own dimension.

The End

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