Chapter 12

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Star's POV

For the next month, Kisshu and I got information from my father, dealt with Linda's bitchiness, fought on the battlefield, and helped plan the planetarium. Soon, it was festival day.

"Come see the planets and constellations of the Milky Way Galaxy and hear alien information!" People in the hall were yelling while wearing authentic alien costumes. Most people thought it was bullshit, others came in no problem.

"And that is how the treaty between Cydronian and Earth started." Kisshu and I had just finished telling the history of the Cydronian/Earth peace treaty for the third time. We had a schedule of how we were going to be doing stuff, the mornings of the two days would be history, the evenings would be a Q&A for Kisshu and I.

"So Cydronian's can summon weapons at will?" Kisshu nodded as he summoned his scythes. "That is so cool." We continued until one of the girls came over.

"Kisshu, where's those monsters?" He sighed.

"My brothers are bringing them." She smiled and went away. I turned to him and sighed.

"I wish you'd tell me where they were." He sighed to.

"I wish your life wasn't being dangled in front of my face to make me do this." I sighed as we continued when we heard this big explosion.

"What was that?" The girl that had asked about the chimera's asked. I ran off with Kisshu while he said that it would be his brothers bringing the things.

We transformed and saw that Pai and Taruto had brought three giant chimera's.

"What the fuck?" Kisshu was floating next to Pai and sighed as he sent his chimera after us, at the same time as his brothers.

"Demon Mallets." I summoned my mallets and sent them forward. "Demon Fans." They changed and hit one of the chimeras, Taruto's to be exact. We continued the battle, won, and the festival for that day was over. Ichigo and I returned to the classroom, shaking slightly.

"Where were you two?"

"We went and hid in the bathroom. It was scary." Ichigo nodded and Kisshu came in. Everyone glared at him.

"What the hell was that Kisshu!" Everyone was angry. I stepped forward.

"You guys can't blame him!"

"Standing up for the person who attacked the school?!" They continued the glare.

"Who agreed to have him bring them? All of you did. So it's your fault, not his. He was just listening. You guys didn't listen to Ichigo when she said no, did you?" They all then felt a little bad.

"Still! He attacked us." I sighed.

"And you all start caring now?! He did this last year and let me remind all the girls, that as soon as he walked through that door in a school uniform you all wanted to know if he was single. And Ai, Shii, you tried to get him to go out with you his first day working at Cafe Mew Mew." Everyone continued their thing.

"That doesn't mean anything!" I turned to Isaac.

"No one gives a shit what you say Isaac. You were all for abuse and had a little party for yourself when my mother died. Kisshu was there to comfort me remember? None of you can say anything, the fact is, the attack failed, and if you weren't paying attention, he didn't have that weird sadistic look on his face like the other two, he looked upset." Everyone sighed and apologized to Kisshu, whereas Ayoma, Ichigo, and Isaac were not.

"He still attack us Star." I turned to Ichigo.

"And?" I got closer to her ear. "Didn't Ayoma try and KILL you last year? Didn't you cry over Kisshu when he was killed trying to protect you FROM Ayoma?" She glared at me.


"Exactly the point. You and Ayoma have no room to be like that to Kisshu, and neither does Isaac considering he's a sadistic ass anyways." Everyone got ready for the next day and I walked home with Kisshu, avoiding Linda like the plague. We got home and she was sitting on the couch eating chips.

"How was your day bitch and freak?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know hoe, how was sitting on your ass stuffing your face and adding to the fat in your ass?" She glared.

"Respect me damn you!" I turned to her.

"Make me. You can't do a damn thing about anything I do. You didn't give birth to me. Even if you become my stepmother, you will STILL mean nothing." Kisshu and I went to my room and did homework.

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