Chapter 2

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"No way! You're seriously one of us!" Ichigo seemed delighted, along with the other girls. Then everything stopped. "Why is Kisshu back?" I kinda looked down a bit.

"Cydrona was destroyed. So guess what's gonna happen again?" They all sighed.

"Their the 'new' enemy?" I nodded. Then Yue walked in.

"Star. You need to come home. Now!"

"But I was just about to start working Yue."

"It's Mom." I stopped and changed into my school uniform again.

"Sorry. I'll work another time okay?" I ran out of the cafe.

Mom had never had the best health, there are times I wonder if she gave it to me. I was infact a sick child. Going to Cydrona may have helped cure it, but that's not the point. Mom had caught a cold last week, that was progressing into a fever, and then Scarlet Fever. Not only that, but she has so many other things wrong with her. We got in and the doctor looked at us and shook his head.

"I'm sorry, false alarm." I sighed in relief and went to my room. I opened the door and there was someone on my bed. Kisshu.

"Hey Star."

"Hey Kisshu."

"Star, I'm sorry about earlier, I just hadn't seen you in so long." I shook my head and smiled.

"It's okay Kisshu. I understand. I've missed you too. But I've been watching you over the past year and I know everything that's happened." He seemed to get my drift and quickly put his arms up in defense. "Wanna tell me why you were trying to cheat on me with Ichigo?"

"Oh, well um. I was trying to-"

"I know the reason. Don't try to lie to me Kisshu." He floated back and hit the wall. I jumped and pulled him onto the bed.

We were very serious, since the first week. We don't have sex no. Oh hell no! But we were pretty serious. We bathed together and slept together, again, no sex, but that doesn't me we don't enjoy the other's naked company. We even foreplayed a few times, but we were kinda trying to slow it down... okay, that's total lie. But we pretend for Tartuto's sake. We both have hit puberty and hey, teenage hormones right?


"Yeah Star?"

"I've missed you so much" I accidentally but a lustful tang on that one. But Kisshu seemed to like it. He laid down, pulling me on top of him. I smiled and kissed his neck. He really enjoyed that one. He chuckled a little and licked my ear. I sat up, but kept him pinned to the bed. He seemed upsetted by this and kept swarming. I giggled slightly and smirked at him.

"What's wrong Kisshu? Can't get what you can't reach?" He seemed to get anxious. He looked at me and then pouted. I sighed and kissed his lips. He liked this alot. He rubbed my side while we kissed, making me want to bite my lip, but I couldn't. He loved trying to arouse me, and unfortunately, it always worked. I forced the moan down by swallowing. I was just glad my legs were between Kisshu's or I'd have been in big trouble. The door opened and my nanny came in.

"Star if your father saw you doing this. Please get off him." I sighed and got off, but Kisshu seemed upset and just crossed his legs.

That's when Dad walked in. Taiyou Nya. I shook my head. Sun, Moon, Star, and Comet. Mum was Suisei. I always thought of us as the astronomy family, which was kinda funny because dad and mum were both astrologist, well, dad still is. My uncle, Houkiboshi, also meaning comet, he's my mom's bro, is an astronaut. Not the point though. Dad was standing there, pained look on his face.

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