Chapter 6

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Star's POV

I woke up and headed for school, the nannies were in front of mom's door, or I would've gone straight to my mother to tell her goodbye and that I loved her. I got to school and Isaac looked at me. I sat at my desk and Ichigo walked over.

"What's wrong Star?" I sighed deeply and tried to muster up the words without shedding a single tear or having them be in my throat.

"My mom is leaving. The man who helped bring me into this world was poisoning her for all of these years and she's dying, she's leaving the house and is staying in the hospital until she dies. She's leaving sometime before school ends, so I won't see her." Ichigo hugged me and Isaac burst out laughing.

"Serves the bitch right. She broke off our engagement and kicked the best scientist in Japan onto the streets." I felt the rage in my blood begin to increase.

"Just so you know, the woman you're talking about is my mother and the man your talking about is the one that was poisoning her AND abused me."

"Okay, you just proved my point."

"You heartless piece of shit! My mother means the world to me! And how is abuse okay? It's not! So shut the fuck up and if you say one more thing about thinking it's funny that my mother is dying I will fucking kill you!"Everyone in the class started when Kisshu walked in.

"Star-chan? Are you okay?" I threw myself into his arms and cried. He just stood there and held me.

"Mama's dying Kisshu. Mama's dying." He kissed my forehead and school started. It went by painfully slow and by the time it was done I wanted to go home, but I had to work. I called Yue.

"Yue, I'm going to work, my shift ends at 5. I'll call you if there is anything that's going to delay that time okay?"

"Okay Star, would that delay possibly be going to go see mom in the hospital?"

"Partly, but if anything delays that part I'll call you for that to okay?"

"Okay. I love you Sis."

"Love you too Bro."


"Bye." I hung up the phone and started to work. Business was kinda slow to and it was 5, and there was an alien sighting. And Kisshu didn't seem to have any part in it this time, he was at the cafe the whole time.

"Where is the alien Ryou?"

"The hospital, closest to the top floor, Pai seems to have conjured it." I felt my heart thud. Mom's room is on the top floor. If something happens to her I'll kill Pai!

"Mew Mew Demon! Metamorphosis!" I hurried to the hospital, leaving the others behind. I needed to get to the hospital, I needed to protect mom. I got to the hospital when the others showed up.

"What's up Mew Star?"

"Mom's in this hospital. She's on the top floor." There was a scream. "Mom!" I hurried to the top floor and got into mom's room. There was an alien cockroach standing next to her bed, pinching the IV tube and trying to get the medicine that was trying to get the poison out of her system.

"GET AWAY FROM MY MOTHER!" It looked at me, just as the bag tore and the medicine spilled all over the floor. I flipped.

I knocked the alien out of the window and hurried to help my mother. I called for help, and even as the doctors came in, there was nothing they could do. Mom, was dead.

I jumped out the window to where the others were fighting the alien. I found Pai close by. I attacked him. Tears were burning down my face, my every motion was sloppy and full of rage. I couldn't think straight.

"What is wrong with you Star?" It sounded like Kisshu's voice. I finally hit Pai and he flew into a tree and it broke.

"Your guys stupid alien killed my mother!" Kisshu froze and Pai stood.

"What do you mean?"

"What the hell is the purpose of that alien?!"

"To obtain any liquid medicine in the hospital that could be combined in order to create a solution that could kill off the humans but keep the planet habitable by us." I felt my blood boil even hotter.

"You killed my mother for something stupid like that!" My blind fury continued, until they ran away. I changed back and ran back to the room, they were covering her face with the sheet. I called Yue.

"Star, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did something happen to mom? Star? STAR?"

"M-M-Mom's.... mom's..."

"Mom's what Star? What's wrong?"

"Mom's dead!" I broke down into more tears, the team came in, normal of course, and comforted me.

"What! H-how?"

"I-I'll tell you when I get home."

"We're coming to get you Star." I hung up the phone and cried harder.


Real quick, I usually wouldn't do something like this, but I'm making an exception. I have a friend that's looking for people to help with a MAP/MEP, and asked me to spread the word. So that is what I am doing!

It's about the Yu-Gi-Oh character named Astral and so we can show our love for him with song created for him by some very amazing people. If you are interested, you can go here: Thank you!

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