Chapter 10

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Star's POV

Supper was going fine for the most part. Kisshu and Yue were having a good conversation with Taiyou. Linda was pissed that Taiyou wasn't talking to her or being all over her. She kept trying to get included but was quickly cut out and ignored again. I just sat there and put in my input when appropriate and listened to the rest. Finally Linda snapped.

"Damn it Taiyou listen to me!" Everyone was quiet and Taiyou turned to his upset fiance.

"Linda, you aren't saying anything. I'm having a very needed conversation with my future son-in-law, we hope."

"What do you mean you hope? I don't want this thing here and I don't want my grandchildren to be part freak."

"You sound like fucking Isaac." I groaned.

"Don't' speak that way to your fiance." Linda snapped out.

"He's not my fiance!" We glared at each other.

"Yes he is. You won't continue to sleep with some alien from who cares where."

"Go fuck a butler." I yelled.

"Star, language." Father said, no bite and not really much of a warning.

"I'm sick of this hoe. Not only is she my teacher, but she's my fucking future stepmother. You think I want that? No, I don't. It was hard enough having her as a nanny."

"I am insulted Star. Taiyou, do something about her."

"Star, please. Not at the table."

"Fine!" I finished, stood and through my plate at Linda, it broke and landed all over her lap and in her hair. She scoffed and glared at me.

"Excuse me young lady. But as your future stepmother, I demand respect."

"And as your future step daughter, I demand you shut the fuck up and stay away from me." I went to my room and Kisshu followed shortly after.

"Star-chan?" I turned and was quickly pushed to my bed. Kisshu climbed on top of me and quickly attacked what skin was showing with his mouth.

"K-Kisshu." He kissed my lips while rubbing my inner thigh with his knee.

"We haven't done this for a while. I can't hold back much longer." We had our fun and I was panting next to Kisshu. "How are you?"

"I'm okay. You?"

"Amazing." We laid there for a minute and then we got to homework and went to bed. We woke up to a scream. I rubbed my eyes and looked at the door. It was Linda.

"Taiyou! Taiyou! Come look at this! That monster is in Star's bed." Taiyou came and looked in.

"Did you two have sex?" We shook our heads rapidly.

"Hell no. You may not know me that well Dad, but I have morals. No sex till marriage."

"And I'm not ready to risk being a father."

"Then there is no problem Linda. Come. You need to get ready for work." He walked away and she glared.

"I will get you Cydronian." And she left.

"Why does she hate me so much?"

"Because you make me happy and she wants me anything but."

"She's a bitch."

"Exactly." We got up and I stretched. I headed for the shower but Kisshu cut me off. "Kisshu?!"

"Come one Star. Let's shower together." I blushed. It's been awhile since we bathed together.

We undressed and stepped into the shower. I was blushing so hard during the whole thing. I kept my back to Kisshu the whole time, which he took as 'play with me as you wish' which he did. We managed to finish, get out and ready in time for school.

We got downstairs and Linda was arguing with Taiyou. She turned to us as we came down the last flight of stairs and she glared.

"Where the hell have you been! We're now going to be late because you took to long doing whatever you two were doing!"

"We aren't going to be late if you stop sassing and get your fat ass out the door and into the limo." Kisshu and I walked right past her and got into the limo, Linda right after us, forcing a kiss from Taiyou.

"You better be happy we're going to just make it."

"We aren't going to just make it. We'll be there 30 minutes early. Now just shut up and let us ride in peace." She didn't take my advice and continued to complain about us being late and it being mine and Kisshu's fault.

When we got there she hurried in and then Kisshu and I walked into the school and to the classroom. No one was there except for the students with class duties, Ichigo and Aoyama.

"Good Morning Star."

"Good Morning Ichigo." She looked wearily at Kisshu. "Don't worry about it Ichigo. Kisshu only does what he does because if he doesn't his 'leader' will kill me and he doesn't want that."

"Either way you'll die Star, you know that."

"I don't care if I do. I love Kisshu, and he loves me. That's all that matters to me. I'm sorry." I sat down and went through my homework in case I forgot something. I didn't and just sat there and talked to Kisshu, then Isaac walked in.

"Hey Star-ch-" Isaac began.

"Shut the fuck up. No one cares what you have to say and you are not allowed to call me 'Star-chan' only 'Nya-san'. Got it?"

"Oh come on hu-"


"Fine then, Nya-san, I saw Kisshu on the TV last night. He was flirting with the new Mew Mew." I rolled my eyes. Some girls walked in and automatically went to me.

"Did you see the news last night Star-san?" I shook my head. "Kisshu-kun was flirting with the new Mew Mew."

"Yeah, she's a panda."

"I think she's cute!"

"I know! She has the cutest ears!"

"That's not why we're here girls. We wanted Star-san to know that Kisshu-kun was flirting with that Mew Mew." I rolled my eyes.

"A boy can flirt you know. I don't care if Kisshu flirts as long as he doesn't stray again."

"Well it does make sense since she had a fiance at the same time she was dating him."

"How many times do I have to tell you that it was arranged and my father broke it off a few days ago?"

"Your dad broke the marriage off?"

"Yeah. He was forced to act the way he did because his of his current 'fiance'. You know the bitch that took our homeroom teacher's spot till she came back from maternity leave."

"You mean Akuma-sensei?"

"You mean Hoe-sensei? Yeah." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Excuse me Miss. Nya. What was that?"

"I called you a hoe."

"Don't push your luck Miss. Nya."

"And don't push yours." We glared at each other and you could see the sparks. She got to the front of the room and began attendance.

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